Ran Aground Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The sleep of the vanquished...  We'd have more photos, but it turns out our new computer is so different that we haven't figured out how to properly download and keep our information...  Working on it...

Meanwhile the surf has dropped, the humidity has increased and no one is taking "no" for an answer.  Cloudy this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 73.8º and the water was an incredible 74.1º.  High tide was at 10:11am +5.6' and low tide will be at 4:53pm +0.4'.  We have a SW swell out of 230º at 3.3' and it was 2' to 3' with some quick little rights and lefts that were worth the trouble.  Face it, when the air is in the 80's and the water is in the 70's it's time to go in.  The unbelievable part of that, is that it's happening HERE...

So, we have a couple of days left this week and we're getting ready to take off for points south for a couple of weeks.  The Barahona Brothers have thrown the El Salvadorian borders open and we're going to fly in and do some reconnoitering...  that's another word for surfing.  All this means is that the report will be sporadic to unavailable for the next couple of weeks.  Scheduled date of return 11/03/15.  Interesting crew heading down including Capt. Donnie, Tarzan Leko and Mexico Mike Murphy.  

For those who would like to join in an happy hour on Friday, we have narrowed it down to the Mermaid.  Why?  Because it's too hot to go inside anywhere and it's not going to rain...  Ride you bike and get some excessive exercise as well...  Keep it in low gear...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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