Finally A Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Happy hour will be at Samba tonight.  5:30pm on the patio.

Driving around in old classic "Detroit Iron" isn't the only way to get around in Havana.  You can always grab one of these coconut transports and buzz around way faster than you think is healthy.  There are several advantages, such as:  They can fit down the narrow streets of Habana Vieja.  They are nimble enough to cut in and out of the traffic.  The drivers know all of the interesting short cuts.  At one point, Tarzan and the Professor jumped into a coconut and as the driver endeavored to stay up with coco filled with our comrades, he hiked us over on two wheels to negotiate a tricky 90º turn.  The Professor looked at Tarzan and said, "How's come the driver is wearing a helmet and we're not?"

We have a beautiful and not so freezing morning going on today.  20+ miles visibility and clear skies.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 59.3º and the water is 66.4º.  High tide was at 6:13am +5.1' and low tide will follow at 12:28pm +1.5'.  We have a 2.3' swell out of the SW 219º.  That makes it 1' and poor, but the prognosticators are telling us that there should be some bumps tomorrow...  Check it out!

Snuggling at the "Bodeguita del Medio" where Hemmingway hung out on a regular basis.  If you look over the bar you'll see his autograph displayed prominently.  The real mystery here is how we got a photo without a bartender in it.  There were five and they were running up and down the bar making mojitos 5 or 6 at a time.  There are two things for sure wherever you might go in Havana.  1.  Hemmingway hung out there.  2.  The Buena Vista Social Club will be playing in the bar at 8pm.  On Friday night there were 27 Buena Vista Social Clubs playing in various places in Havana...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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