
Showing posts from May, 2016

Takin' Off Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, wetsuits, cars and surfboards can be any color you like, as long as they're black...  Just ask Max... O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the west by 5.0kts and the sea surface had a small chop to it.  The air temp was 60.3 and the water was 62.8.  High tide was at 5:58am +3.9' and low tide will be at 11:58am +0.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 220º at 3.9', but it's a little too oblique to break south of Manhattan.  It was 2' to 3' at Hermosa Pier and Roddy Williams swears the water is 68º!  We think it's more like 65... W e'll be out for the month of June with some occasional reports from the road, so hunker down for the overcast and we'll be back for the sun! R eally easy to be one of the guys on this stage.  All you have to do is ride a wave three or four times bigger than you and have one of your friends take your picture doing it...  One of our boys did!  That's Trevor LaSh...

The Fast One Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ot quite sure why we're so interested in the splash factor...  but these ladies are about to do a head-dip into what looks like a ledgy/muddy left... O vercast with almost 5 miles visibility.  Winds were stiff offshore by 5.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 59.3 and the water was a few clicks higher at 59.7.  Low tide was at 8:14am +0.1' and high tide will follow at 3:26pm +3.7'.  We have a west swell out of 268º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4', breaking through the low tide with some nice peaks... I f you could pick two women to shoot at you with a Mondragon 7.92 Self Loading rifle (before they called them "machine" guns) it would be Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau.  A weapon known for it's accuracy, even on full automatic, your only chance would be to get these two giggling and mess up their aim... S amba tonight at 5:30! R elated to BOTH Bardot and Moreau, Mumbles Barnes Jr. ran the tables at Hermosa th...

Just Not Themselves Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F or years we've been trooping across the floor at Brother's in our wetsuits to hand Ivan our car keys.  Then when you get out of the water, one of the guys throws the keys at you so you don't have to walk dripping across the floor.  Depending on how frozen your hands are, you either catch the keys or let them bounce on the pavement.  But that came to a halt a couple of weeks ago with the installation of a key safe to the left of the front door.  Now you just put them in the safe and go surfing and retrieve them when you get out...  Just like that... A beautiful May morning with almost 20 miles visibility and partly cloudy skies.  Winds were offshore at 8.1kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 59.3 and the water was 60.3 at the buoy.  Of course Roddy had it posted on the Hermosa Pier at 67º, but no one was buying that.  Low tide was at 7:21am -0.1' and high tide follows at 2:21pm +3.5'.  We...

Bllue Moon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A look into the assembly line, as José Barahona and the Professor put together some trophies for the outstanding surfers of the Redondo Union High Surf Team.  The wood blanks for the fins were designed and cut out by master wood worker Kenny Brown.  Some of the fins featured 4 to 6 types of wood, including mahogany, purple heartwood and redwood.  In photo #1 José glosses the glassed and sanded fins... A beautiful May morning with 12 miles visibility and hazy sun.  Winds were offshore for a change at 6kts and the sea surface was smooth to almost glassy.  The air temperature was 59.3 and the water was 61.5, but felt a couple of ticks warmer than that.  High tide was at 11:40am +3.6' and low tide was at 4:19pm +2.1'.  We had a west swell out of 255º at 3.9' and it was a solid 3' to 4' with some bigger outsides... #2 shows the fins after being affixed to their mahogany bases.  As easy as this sounds, it took a bit of engineeri...

One time in San Francisco Suddenly You're A Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N othing like going on a marvelous three day vacation to the City-by-the-Bay and immediately getting sick and spending all your time in bed.  The bad news:  Not getting to spend time with the Barahona crew, No cool evening dinners on the water and sleeping 24/7.  The good news:  Not having to watch the naked people in the Bay-to-Breakers race, not going to Alcatraz (the pictures were enough.) 10 miles visibility this morning with overcast skies.  Winds were on by 2kts and the sea surface had a bit of bump.  The air temperature was 60.0 and the water is 62.8.  High tide was at 8:28am +3.8' and low tide will be at 1:57pm +1.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3'... S an Francisco's, San Francisco spot on the bay... T he Condor Club:  Two words:  Carol Doda...  ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Blackies Bown Out Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hat a sweet couple!  Jah Morgan and Jetski.  Headed out to Newport to get some waves at Blackie's and got totally skunked.  Windy, small and choppy.  The good news was that across the street is Mutt Lynch's and they have the most outrageous breakfast menu you've ever seen.  It was good that we had to drive back since we couldn't move for an hour after eating... S pringtime onshore winds blowing out of control from the get-go.  6.3kts out of the west bumping things up and cooling down the ardor.  The air temp was 59.3 and the water was 61.9.  Low tide was at 9:17am +0.0' and high tide will follow at 4:32pm +3.9'.  We finally went out in Hermosa and it was better than Newport at 2.6'.  A little chopped with a SSW swell out of 203º... S o on day 296/366, Jetski carved the daily drawing into the furniture.  Talk about a bad ass - he asked the waitress if it would be okay...  The Professor has the cool lean g...

Long Term Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P art of the surfing experience is watching the weather change as you're sitting out there in the water.  This is a cell that came through last Thursday.  While Hermosa was dry and partly cloudy, the Riviera was getting drenched... O vercast skies and 7 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore for a change at 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was 58.3 and the water is 62.4.  Low tide was at 7:08am -0.8' and high tide will be at 1:55pm +3.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207º at 3.3' and it was 3' and good shape for the patient and persistent... T he Professor leans into this soft little left, trying to make it look as casual as possible.  Actually, this morning he caught a shoulder high wall that made it from that little outside sandbar at 11th St. all the way to the pier!  It was a little pig-dog run that ended up with him kicking out before he impressed himself on a piling... L ast Sunday th...

Late For Mother's Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ow did you spend your Mother's Day?  Capitan Donaldo started out by surfing on this sweet little left at the Hermosa pier.  Your mother may not appreciate it, but it puts you in a better mood to go visit her when she's pissed off... 5 miles visibility this morning with cloudy skies and occasional drizzles.  Winds were on by 3.5kts and the sea surface was bumped and crummy.  The air temperature was 59 and the water was 61.9.  Low tide was at 6:11am -1.2' and high tide will be at 12:46pm +4.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206º at 3.0' and it was a sloppy 2' with not much shape... T hen Ross and Ivan decided that it might be best to toast all of our mother's.  In the midst of all of the accolades a domino game broke out.  Good news:  No one was late for dinner with Mom...  Bad news:  Showed up at wrong mom's house... E arly Sunday morning we ran into Flinch checking out the surf.  The conversation went like...

Weltschmerz Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   B oris 'n Boris off to check the surf...  (Note the collapsible Steve McQueen's that Jetski is sporting.  Very chic...) L ow clouds this morning with a hint of drizzle and less than 5 miles visibility.  Winds were onshore at 5.5kts and the sea surface had a bit of a bump.  The air temperature was 56.6 and the water was 59.5.  High tide was at 8:13am +4.8' and low tide will be at 2:06pm +0.2'.  NDBC Buoy is reading a 200º SSW swell at 3.0'.  We'll give them the 3', but the rising tide put everything right on the loading dock.  Watch out for that last step...  Supposed to be a chance of rain in the next few days.  We're not imagining that's going to happen, but we'll look to be sure... O ne way to get your picture taken is to run over the photographer so that he takes your photo to use as evidence.  (Photo credit:  @bump-set-serve, Paul Naude) F inally, #3 showcases the danger of youthful enthusiasm....

Tippling Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...   B idding Palenque adieu, we decided to kick out the jams and party down at the local salsa dive.  There was an eight piece salsa band that rocked the place until the wee hours.  #1 Capitan Donaldo Congrejo and LoLa found themselves between the appetizers and the entree.  When the dancing broke out the Capitan fortified himself with strong drink while warding off Terpsichorely inclined archaeologists.  Later in the evening, the Capitan and the Professor made the best of happy hour with two of everything.  This is the local custom and it received their enthusiastic endorsement....  M ostly sunny this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds re onshore from the start of the morning by 2.5kts and t he sea surface was smooth with a slight roll.  The air temperature was 56.6 and the water is 58.1.  It can get warmer as soon as it wants.  High tide was at 7:19am +4.6' and low tide will be at 1:26pm +0.1'.  We h...