Bllue Moon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A look into the assembly line, as José Barahona and the Professor put together some trophies for the outstanding surfers of the Redondo Union High Surf Team.  The wood blanks for the fins were designed and cut out by master wood worker Kenny Brown.  Some of the fins featured 4 to 6 types of wood, including mahogany, purple heartwood and redwood.  In photo #1 José glosses the glassed and sanded fins...

A beautiful May morning with 12 miles visibility and hazy sun.  Winds were offshore for a change at 6kts and the sea surface was smooth to almost glassy.  The air temperature was 59.3 and the water was 61.5, but felt a couple of ticks warmer than that.  High tide was at 11:40am +3.6' and low tide was at 4:19pm +2.1'.  We had a west swell out of 255º at 3.9' and it was a solid 3' to 4' with some bigger outsides...

#2 shows the fins after being affixed to their mahogany bases.  As easy as this sounds, it took a bit of engineering to get the right cuts, centered and perpendicular to the bases...

#3 the fun part as Coach Avery and Coach Frank hand out the awards.  A special element of these trophies was that Hap Jacobs personally signed them all!  Not sure if many of the kids understood the gravity of that signature, but many of the adults did and were stoked to have a bit of surfing history carry on to the new generation...  Special thanks to Kenny Brown and José Barahona for their expert craftsmanship...

And the winners were:
        Rookie of the Year      -  Ryan Hughes
        Men's Shortboard       -  Kyle Beatty
        Women's Shortboard  -  Emma Waldinger
        Men's Longboard        -  Tate Curran
        Women's Longboard   -  Kelly Haraka
        Bodyboard                 -  Kyle Beatty
        Waterman of the Year -  Tate Curran
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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