Something Extra Saturday Siurf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

#1 describes Buck on his rail-to-rail transition down the line.  He had just spanked the lip and is now setting up a rather quick trim through these inside sections.  Hard to see how fast he's going here...

A beautiful morning here in the So. Bay with sunny skies and offshore winds.  The surf is smaller, in the 2' to 3' range.  Supposed to get bigger tomorrow and Monday, but these things are always a bit vague...  Maybe if it's big enough you can make it Vogue...

#2 shows Capitan Donaldo swinging a wide arc on this mushy peak to build some speed up for the bump.  The brown water and boat in the background make it look a bit like Indo.  It had rained gatos and perros the day before so things were still a bit muddy.  It rained so hard at Sunzal that the river was even with the road!  We were watching as it crested and in the middle of all the debris and flotsam came a Sony TV bobbing along the flow!  It was a big full sized TV like 2' by 3' by 18" and it was floating like a cork.  When it hit the ocean it took off out to sea and in ten minutes it was out of sight.  Hoping that someone on a deserted island found it and dried it out...

#3  The Professor was urging Jetski to torque it up, as he straightens it out a bit to gather some speed.  These waves required a bit of finesse to stay in the right spot and get the max out of your ride.  Jetski was doing everything right and adding a hand drag to make it tres casual...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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