Fantastico Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, so as the parade got closer to the end, it got progressively wilder.  Not even quite sure what to call these guys, other than they were some embroidered take on drum majors.  Their epaulets stuck out about a foot on each side and they whirled and danced while leading a troop of high school dancers...

Windy this morning from the north starting around 5kts and gusting to 15 by the afternoon.  Mostly clear skies and the air temp was a cool 44.6, while the ocean is now 59.2.  High tide was at 9:47am +5.6' and low tide will follow at 5:13pm -0.1'.  We have a west swell out of 275º at 4.3' and although there was a bit of a bump it was 4' to 5' and just a tad ragged...

So we struck out from Cuzco into the hinterlands and investigated some of the Incan ruins.  This site was built over the crater of a meteor strike and the Inca's terraced it to create several micro-climates.  On the lower rungs they grew corn, in the middle they grew squash and leafy veggies and near the top they grew potatoes.  They reasoned (quite correctly) that the lower reaches would be less windy and warmer for the more delicate corn stalks and the top would be cooler and wetter for the hardier potatoes.  Lest you thought that potatoes came from Ireland, they are actually a new world tuber...  And, by the way they have over 500 varieties of potatoes in Peru...

Jamming up the hills, we finally caught our first glimpse of the "Sacred Valley."  This would be the start of our trek up to Machu Picchu.  Because of the valley's elevation, corn is the predominant crop, but there is a wide variety of vegetables and animals being raised...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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