Fraught With Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's raining.  It's all the weather people have been talking about.  Personally, we're thinking, "Maybe a little sun?"  That is instead of 1 mile visibility and cloudy skies.  Winds blasting out of the SE by 20kts and the sea surface being buffeted to a reverse chop.  The air temp is 57.3 and the water at 59.2.  Low tide is at 8:23am +1.6' and high tide will follow at 2:01pm +2.8'.  Right now the buoy has us with a WSW swell out of 251º at 5.9' with the waves at 4' to 5'.  They should continue to get bigger throughout the day peaking around 4pm at 10'.  The best day might be tomorrow when it is supposed to be offshore all day long and the surf is supposed to range between 7' to 9'.  If you're lucky you might even catch somebody like Trevor LaShure at Burnout (#1) launching himself into one of these gaping barrels.  This is classic South Bay, with a perfect right heading into a perfect left.  Can you imagine what it looked like from his point of view?

Monday evening on the bike path, we caught this "sun dog" over the breakwall.  We referenced the following: 
A sun dog (or sundog) or mock sun,[1] meteorological name parhelion (plural parhelia), is an atmospheric phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to the left and/or right of the Sun. They often occur in pairs, one on each side of the Sun.
Sun dogs are a member of a large family of halos, created by light interacting with ice crystals in the atmosphere. Sun dogs typically appear as two subtly colored patches of light to the left and right of the Sun, approximately 22° distant and at the same elevation above the horizon as the Sun. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always obvious or bright. Sun dogs are best seen and are most conspicuous when the Sun is close to the horizon.

We talked to Mark, the barkeep at Samba and he is reserving a banquette for us in the bar.  So it's 5:30pm and if you need a brief respite from the rain, some enthusiastic banter and good company, join us!

"When The Surf Breaks, We'll Fix It..."
The Professor!!

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