Cow Tipping Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Some times you just have to take the bull by the horns.  If a bull isn't available a cow will do...

Foggies this morning and less that 200yds visibility. Winds were on by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was roughed up.  The air temperature was 55.2 and the water is 57.6.  Low tide was at 10:07am +0.8' and high tide was at 6:04pm +3.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200º true at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4', but ac bit rugged and not very inviting...  Maybe tomorrow...

Elvis in the weeds.  Isn't it like him to just appear when you least expect it?  Don't we know more about Elvis than we do about most of our relatives?  Unless you're related to Elvis, then you're probably pretty indifferent to his history...  Bet you even know his middle name...

2001:  A Space Odyssey...  You didn't think anyone else was in that room did you?  Well, LoLa was there and she sneaked up on Dave barefooted...  When Dave made his way back to earth, she threw out the black stele because it didn't go with the rest of the decor...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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