My Little Rock 'N Roll Wednesday Surf & Culture Report
Lost Boys & Co...
"And ANOTHER thing..." The Professor appears to be proclaiming his disappointment with the temperature of the water. Despite the postings on the Hermosa Pier (67º last Saturday) it still feels more like it does at the buoy 63.3... Still Bacalao is sporting a shorty...
Always takes a few minutes for us to catch up with the report after the holiday, but the bad news is that it's still cloudy and May Gray. The good news is that the wind is offshore by 2.2kts and the sea surface is smooth. The other bad news is that the air is 60 and the water is back to 63.3. Low tide was at 9:15am -0.2' and high tide will be at 4:24pm +4.3'. But the OTHER good news is that there's a good 3.3' swell out of the SW from 224º and it was 3' to almost 4' and lots of fun, just ask Jetski...
Bamboo, dark green and that retro thing... Tandis and the Professor show off their rides. They really didn't think about how much they compliment each other... But they do... the rides that is... Oh, yeah Tandis and the Professor too...
"No, NO, NO, ladies! You don't have to pay the meters until 10 o'clock. In fact, I wouldn't worry about paying the meters at all. Hermosa's got a lot of money... No, we don't know where you might get good Mexican food in this town..."
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"The Professor!!