
Showing posts from May, 2018

Land Of The Long White Cloudy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... O kay, so maybe we're not THE land of the long white cloud, but we HAVE long white clouds...  We also have electricity, which somehow makes us feel a bit better about progress...  sort of... S o it was cool and cloudy with a hint of drizzle.  3 miles of gray visibility, kinda like what dogs see all the time.  Winds were persistent from the SSE by 6kts and the sea surface had a definite bump.  The air temperature was 60.1 and the water is 62.2.  High tide was at 11:16am +3.7' and low tide will be at 3:56pm +2.1'.  We have a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' but pretty walled as long as we watched.  If you could'a hung around for a little longer, you might have had a shot at some better shaped waves... H ow much longer do we have to suffer long rubber?  Actually, you can make the change NOW!  You can throw on your shorty and hit the surf.  It's a little cool, but HEY!  Morgan trunked (...

Sit On A Tack Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... A s GiGi said, "Heavy is the head who wears the teal tiara." O vercast this morning and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the SE by 1.5kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 60.1 and the water is 62.4.  High tide was at 10:34am +3.8' and low tide will be at 3:26pm +1.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' with some sweet little peelers to make the morning smile... B acallao and the Professor (#2) decked out and swinging.  Righteous brims... T he revolution will be televised (with apologies to Gil-Scott Heron)...  They called the governor but he was out to lunch...  ( photo credit:  B$ for Izvestia ) O nce more the Professor thanks all of the folks who turned out for a surf this morning and some breakfast and cake at Brother's #1!  You guys are the best or maybe just a bit better than that... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

A Memorial Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... N othing like a holiday weekend to bring out the crew AND to top it off the Connecticut girls made it as well!  So from l. to r. we have Kira Bones, Bacallao, Marian, Jetski, Kaitlyn and Suzi all showing the gamut of emotion...  AND if that's not enough, they're all hanging at Brothers #2!  Crazy... O vercast this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SW at 3.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 60.0 and the water is62.1.  We have a high tide at 9:52am +3.9' and low tide will be at 2:57pm +1.6'.  We have a SW swell out of 217º at 3.3' and it was a fat 3' to 4' with some fatties on the outside...  Bacallao, Doc Scale, Jetski and the Professor gave it a go at Longfellow to avoid the Fiesta Hermosa... P hotographs from California should all include one hammock shot.  Here we have Marian and Kaitlyn with the obligatory pose...  We should also mention that the girls were...

Look Over Your Shoulder Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... Warning:   Fiesta Hermosa starts Saturday (#1), but NO Parking starts TOMORROW!  That means parking out in front of Brothers will NOT be happening.  So if you are wishing to surf the pier in the morning, you will have to park on 10th St. or somewhere other than the usual spots...  Look, it's twice a year.  As Capitán Donaldo says, "No biggie." C loudy this morning with light drizzle and 3.5miles visibility.  Winds were steady onshore at 6.3kts and the sea surface had a definite bump.  The air was 57.3 and the water was 60.1.  High tide was at 6:24am +4.2' and low tide follows at 12:33pm +0.4'.  We have an oblique swell out of the SSW from 203º at 3.6' and it was 2' to 3' with some thick, bumpy outsiders... M r. Christian (Stutzman)'s graduation party was at the playground of the surfers, Doheny Beach.  Right across from the festivities, everyone parked their blades at "Barahona Park." (#2)  Surf was actu...

Will NOT Work For Anything Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... In photo #1, we have Marian and Kaitlyn making nice for the camera.  Just as we took this photo, a woman walking her dog stopped and said, "What an iconic photograph!  Surfer girls, VW bus the whole thing..."  Pretty heady stuff for a couple of girls from Connecticut!  So when we took #2 they threw in a little attitude...  cool, very cool... Overcast and 3 miles visibility this morning.  Winds were onshore by 5.7kts and the sea surface was bumped.  The air temperature was a chilly 58.8 and the water is 59.4.  High tide was early at 5:08am +4.2' and low tide drains the swamp at 11:44pm +0.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 196º at 3.6' and it was 1' to 2' and we took the girls out at Sapphire for some nice easy rollers.  They did great!  It was surprisingly fun and Christian Stutzcat came out and showed them (us) the finer points of longboarding.   They (we) were impressed to say the least... Somehow th...

Lava Comes Down Soft & Hot Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... B eing spring and under the influence of "May Gray" any sun is always a welcome event.  Yesterday it got sunny in the later afternoon, then the sun peeked around this cloud bank (#1) and finally plopped into the Pacific, just south of Point Dume...  O vercast this morning and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface had a slight residual bump.  The air temperature was 59.0 and the water was 58.3.  Low tide was at 10:48am -0.1' and high tide is at 5:50pm +4.6'.  A SSW swell out of 198º at 3.9' and it was 2' to 4' depending on your 1040...  A little cool and gray, but fun... P reparing for their "Lava-Palooza Tour" in June, Sensei Joey, Suzi and the Professor (#2) work on their first set.  Yes, they take requests... A lways a good time at Waterman's!  Looks like they're remodeling and what does one do when you're on vacation?  Hell!  Think about it!  You GO SURFING!  You may deduc...

Eschatological Friday Surf & Culture report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n case you were worried about the eschatological aspect, we were just focusing on the end of the week and not the end of the world... G uess who pulled into town today?  None other than Kaitlyn and Marian from the right coast! (#1)  Here to do some surfin' and kickin' back on the left coast!  Plan to see them in the line-up this week... C loudy, overcast this morning and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore, starting things out and turned to the WSW 3 to 5 kts.  The sea surface ended up being pretty bumped.  The air temp was 59.3 and the water is 59.4.  Low tide was at 6:29am -1.1' and high tide follows at 1:14pm +3.7'.  We had a SW swell out of 225º at 3.6' and it was a clean 3' to 4', but low tide and fast and tight...  Tomorrow, more of the same low tide morning drainage, but if the wind stays off, it could be interesting... C ouldn't fit this into the throwback Thursday but (#2) we have 1 year old Julia ...

Another Throwback Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... B efore the Big Island blew it's top we were hangin' with this wahine just north of Hilo, surfing Honoli'i rivermouth and Kalapana black sand beach...  Hilo and Honoli'i are still there, but the beach at Kalapana is under tons of lava and this wahine is now 47 and some change...  1972 and that's Julia Burke in the grass skirt... H azy sun on a beautiful spring day and 15 miles visibility.  Winds were off, then turned to the south and finally came out of the west in earnest at 5.9kts.  The sea surface had a slight roll.  The air temp was a chilly 52.9 and the water is 59.4, but felt warmer.  Low tide was at 5:37am -1.2' and high tide fills in at 12:08pm +3.9'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 3.9' and it was a solid 4' and some good surf...  Check'um mañana!     J etski getting his suit tweaked for the big day (#2).  Looks like he and Natasha are getting serious...  A Jonesea Suit® bein...

There Are No Portuguese Oligarchs Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... M orning crew discussing the possibilities of Kelly's wave pool...  L. to R.  Tio Ted, JP and Mr. Christian are still uncertain regarding the future of such endeavors...  Currently, kind of pricey...  ( photo credit: Pester Ybarra for Mexican Restaurant Monthly ) H azy sun this morning with 20 miles visibility.  Winds were fluky out of the west, south west and east from 3 to 5 kts and the4 sea surface was a bit hacked up.  The air temperature was 54.3 and the water was 60.8.  Low tide was at 4:49am -1.1' and high tide follows early at 11:11am +4.1'.  We had a SSW swell out of 205º at 4.3' and it was 3' to 4' with some fatties on the outside...  We saw Coach Avery out there dropping into some steep ones... I t has become common practice for the Professor to do anything that Jetski suggests.  This time he convinced the Professor to sit in this vehicle so that he could post it.  Considering the Professor di...

Not Your Time Zone Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... T he surf was blown out and lousy this morning, as you can see in photo #1.  Jetski is calling off the Surf Familia so that they don't keep texting while they're sleeping...  It was hazy sun and 20 miles visibility, you could just see the outline of Catalina.  That wind was out of the SSW by 5.6kts and it was too choppy to be fun.  The air temperature was 56.6 and the water was 62.2.  High tide was at 10:21am +4.2' and low tide was at 3:33pm +1.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 3.6' and it was more like 2' at the 'mosa...  Forecasts have it building over the next couple of days, but the wind is going to continue to be a factor... (#2) Another shot of the conflagration at sea yesterday.  Suzanne sent us this one from the Esplanade.  She reports that she heard an explosion and then borrowed a pair of binoculars.  She said the boat was actively aflame.  Both the Captain and crew made it off... I f yo...

Monospecific Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... N othing will ruin your day as quickly as having your boat catch fire.  This morning this captain and crew (#1) were faced with just that and this is a shot of a couple of Baywatchs hosing the entire affair down.  Earlier it had been engulfed in flames that you could see from the shore and black smoke was pouring out at a great rate.  Now you'd think that with all that water around, you could handle a situation like this pretty easily, but nay nay...  Once it gets out of hand there's no place to go and if fuel is involved water just seems to splash it around... H azy sun this morning and 10 miles visibility, but it beats the "May Gray" we've been having.  Winds were lively out of the WSW at 5.5kts.  The sea surface had a bit of a bump to it.  The air temperature was 57.0 and the water was 62.6, which made everyone pretty happy.  High tide was at 9:33am +4.3' and low tide will be at 2:58pm +1.0'.  Later in the week...

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... A s if she hasn't done enough already, Jah Morgan (#1) has now pioneered a new method of surfing...  Yes, she is now the first practitioner of SUB-Surfing.  There was SUP and now there is SUB...  Laird, eat your heart out...  DIVE, DIVE, DIVE! O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Kinda hard to tell when it's just overcast or for real cloudy?  Winds were stiff outta the SE at 7kts and the sea surface had a definite ripple going.  the air temp was 57.5 and the water took one look at 60 and said, "Later..."  It was 59.4 this morning...High tide was at 7:16am +4.1' and low tide will follow at 1:21pm +0.6'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 4.6' and it was a fun 3' to 5' on the high tide... K awika Ching (#2) not only has a great surf report-blog-instagram, he also preforms his own stunts and plays his own music...  Here he is hiding under the Manhattan Beach pier getting ready to fly out the other ...

Then & There Thursday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... R ight then and there at St. Rock the Pheasant Pluckers laid down a set that had the savages dancing in the aisles and spilling their drinks.  In photo #1 Boomfwappa was so in the moment that he replaced his head with his cymbal!  Amazing!  This was purely cymbolic... (Thanks to Suzanne for the photos!) O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and at the stroke of 8 turned out of the WSW at 6.5kts and tried to knock down the surf a bit.  Didn't work.  Bumped it up a bit, but the air temp (56.3) and wind made the 60.4 water seem not quite so nice.  High tide was at 6:24am +3.9' and low tide followed at 12:17pm +0.6'.  We had a west swell out of 264º at 4.6' and it was 3' to 5' with some fine little corners. Doc Scale, Jetski and the Professor had a fine time playing with outsides at Sappharua...  Could be good mañana... R emember it's Shade at King Harbor tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 at the Se...

Inside of Body Experience Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n photo #1 we have this mermaid who has chosen to share these three pearls of wisdom with us: A ) Mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp. O vercast skies making way to partly cloudy conditions with 5 to 10 miles visibility.  Winds were straight out of the south by 5.9kts and the sea surface was lightly rippled.  The air temperature was 56.6 and the water has broken through to 60.8!  High tide was at 5:21am +3.8' and low tide will be at 122:09pm +0.6'.  We have an increasing west swell out of 255º at 3.0' and it was 3' to 4' and some pretty darn good waves as demonstrated by the Redondo Surf class this morning (photo #2) B ) Be a mermaid and make waves. W e were aware of the veracity of this statement in photo #3 by the bow tie...  (Bet us that he has a matching hat...) C ) Make your story so beautiful mermaids have trouble believing it's true.  (Thanks to Julia Burke for the drawing and the pearls!) O kay, reser...

Magneto Monday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... I n photo #1 we captured this image of a poor destitute surfer begging for alms... Okay, actually it's Hudson Ritchie and he was laying on the hot sidewalk because he threw out his back in his heat in the Redondo Police Department's surf contest...  He was waiting for his dad to pick him up, since he was too stove-in to drive...  What are the cops doing having a surf contest? P artly cloudy skies clearing around 10am and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 5.4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 56.3 and the water was 57.9, warming to 60 by mid-afternoon.  Low tide was at 10:26am +0.7' and high tide will be at 6:08pm +3.6'.  We have a SW swell out of 225º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' with some fun little medium tide waves...  Supposed to get better as the week unfolds... H ere we have Dr. Ed Scale checking out the surf in his wetsuit...  Jetski claims that whenever he arrives wearing thi...

When It Rains It Pours Friday Surf & Culture Report

  Lost Boys & Co... H appy Hour at Tower 12 tonight.  We usually save this notification for the end of the report, but this week it just seemed to creep forward in priority... I f we had been better surfers, one of these trophies might have been ours...  Of course back then we didn't even have a surf team...  In all honesty we wouldn't have been in the running, unless they counted enthusiasm... A beautiful morning this and 9 miles visibility through a hazy sun.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 55.9 and the water is 59.5, apparently shy to hit the 60 mark...  Low tide was at 7:12am +0.1' and high tide followed at 2:08pm +3.2'.  We have a west swell out of 263º at 3.3'.  It was a consistent 3' to 4' with these out side ear tickling sets that made it really worthwhile... S o as if having your leg stove-in, wearing out the tennis balls on your walker and leaving your teeth at home aren't enough, yo...