Inside of Body Experience Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

In photo #1 we have this mermaid who has chosen to share these three pearls of wisdom with us:

A) Mermaids don't lose sleep over the opinions of shrimp.

Overcast skies making way to partly cloudy conditions with 5 to 10 miles visibility.  Winds were straight out of the south by 5.9kts and the sea surface was lightly rippled.  The air temperature was 56.6 and the water has broken through to 60.8!  High tide was at 5:21am +3.8' and low tide will be at 122:09pm +0.6'.  We have an increasing west swell out of 255º at 3.0' and it was 3' to 4' and some pretty darn good waves as demonstrated by the Redondo Surf class this morning (photo #2)

B) Be a mermaid and make waves.

We were aware of the veracity of this statement in photo #3 by the bow tie...  (Bet us that he has a matching hat...)

C) Make your story so beautiful mermaids have trouble believing it's true.  (Thanks to Julia Burke for the drawing and the pearls!)

Okay, reservations have been confirmed and we'll be happy houring at Shade Hotel in the Sea Level bar on the outside patio...  5:30 and dress warmly, unless you're planning on radiating some serious body heat...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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