Where Were You When The Dam Broke Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

If you haven't been to the Broad Museum yet, you should get some tickets and head up there for the current set of shows.  Despite the new additions, we're pretty taken with some of the original installation, like this Haruki Murakami mural (#1 detail), that basically covers creation and beyond...

Low tide often brings low expectations, but there were a few grovelers this morning as the sun tried to burn through the persistent overcast.  Around 8 miles visibility and winds were fluky out of the south.  The sea surface was slightly bumped.  The air temperature was 69.0 and the water is a delightful 74.1.  Low tide was at 6:49am +0.4' and high tide will be at 1:19pm +5.1'.  We have a SSW swell out of 195º at 3.3' and it was 2' to 3'.  Fun if you could find a corner and if not, you were flushed from the bathroom of happiness...

Recognize these guys? (#2)  You would if you'd been driving in 1969 and stopped into "Hazen's (Flying Red Horse) Mobil Gas Station" at Beryl and PCH.  From l. to r. the Professor, Mark Mitchler and Craig Bollinger.  The Professor used to piss off Ed Hazen by riding his bicycle to work.  Ed wanted it to look like his was the popular station for gas and repairs, so we were encouraged to drive our cars...  At the time gas was hovering around 32 to 35 cents a gallon...  and we were making $1.10 an hour...  The Professor's favorite line of that era:  "You look like a girl who's had a lot of bad breaks.  I can fix your brakes, but you'll have to stay in the garage all night..."

Finally, do Yoshi and LoLa play dominoes in the woods?  The answer is a resounding, "YES!"

Happy hour this week at Greenbelt for your hummus eating, flat bread chewing, beer/wine drinking pleasure...  5:30 on the pier plaza...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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