Veteran's Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Thanks to all the Veterans out there who served for out country.  We all owe them a debt of gratitude and maybe the politicians of the world owe them an apology...

Sunny and a bit smokey haze this morning with a light offshore working.  The air was a chilly 47.8 and the water is 66.7 and crystal clear.  High tide was at 11:00am +5.0' and low tide is in the dark at 6:55pm +0.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206º at 1.6' and it was teeny...  maybe smaller...

Off in the distance Sunzal beckons (#1).  As good as it got, we found ourselves more often surfing Bocanita and the faster, steeper Bocanita rights.  However, Buck did grab a couple of good ones on the point and on this day Rudy the photographer caught him on the inside (#2)...

Some of this year's crew (#3) included Melissa Mazur, Zoose, Johnny Huapo, Capitan Donaldo and LoLa...  We see them here waiting for the sun to go down on another golden El Salvador afternoon...

(#4) We spent some time trying to figure out exactly what this table tile was all about.  Man with gun and bandoleers and a woman with some rather sexy lipstick and an ammo belt.  Cool hats and black pajamas.  Revolutionaries?  Camposinos?  Maoist insurgents?

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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