Sometimes On Saturday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " T o SURF" is what the sign (#1) says... What it doesn't say is that it's about a thousand miles away... A beautiful clear morning out on the Strand and along the hook of the bay (#2)... 37 fucking degrees (kinda hard to get outta the rack!), but the water is 61.0! Honestly, it actually felt 61 degrees. It was low tide at 9:41am +1.8' and high tide followed at 3:08pm +3.8'. We had a 2.6' swell out of 270º true west and it was 2' to 3', with some nice rollers hitting the outside bar and then disappearing on the inside hole... Stutzcanhang, got a couple of long noserides and Jah Morgan got tagged in the neck by an errant visitor... Ice and Ibuprofen... W here do Santa's elves hang out when it's cold outside? It depends, but we found these two (#3) taking a break in the Tiki Bar... H ad a great time in Parker, Colorado visiting the "Rancho Boomfwappa," but we're not going to kid you, it was chi...