Fibonacci Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

This guy (#1) tools up on his bicycle, whips out his brush, takes the lid off the can of paint and starts right in on the hydrant and the attending barrier poles.  So we had to ask...  Turns out he is a retired fire fighter (42 years on the force) and when he notices that hydrants are in need of a little TLC, he takes it upon himself to spruce them up!  We said, "Thank you!"

Mostly cloudy this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 8.0kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was a chilly 48.9 and the water is still 60.3.  High tide is at 6:51am +5.6' and low tide follows at 2:08pm -0.6'.  We have a WSW swell out of 254º at 3.3' and it was a legitimate 3' to 4' on a high tide fueled rolling swell...

We thought that it was just "Charlie" who don't surf (#2), but the more we thought about it, we had to agree that as far as we know Trump don't surf either.  When we pressed the Professor about this statement, he said that he would stand down on most of the political rhetoric ricocheting about these days, save for the environment.  He suggested if Trump DID surf, he might have a different view of climate change and it's impact on all of us...  (Like the fact the sea temp hasn't fallen below 60º most of this winter...)

Off to Boise, Idaho for some downhill R&R and a Superbowl® afternoon, with Bama and Anaconda Burke!  Back on Tuesday with a new moon and report from Punxatawney Phil on the weather outlook for the next six weeks...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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