Phenotype Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Maybe the most famous structure in Barcelona is the Church of the Sagrada Familia (Holy Family).  This cathedral was started in 1882 and is still under construction.  #1 is the Nativity side of the building and it features the "drip style" architecture that Gaudi embraced for this project.  Some of the detail is absolutely incredible and when done it will have 13 towers (currently there are four.)  Oh yeah, it's supposed to be done in 2026, which will be a hundred years since Gaudi died...  Yes, he's buried in the crypt...

Overcast this morning but some hopeful little bumps...  Winds were light and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was 64 and the water is 66.0.  High tide was at 7:25am +3.3' and low tide follows at 12:22pm +1.8'.  We have west swell out of 250º at 3.0' and it was a 2', but actually little rideable fatties...

The internal columns look like huge tree trunks (#2) soaring into the ceiling and bifurcating as they go upward.  The main columns (#3) feature icons of the 4 writers of the gospels, not unlike Hagia Sophia before they covered them with Arabic writing.  Seeming almost incongruous, the baldachino (the canopy over the crucifix) is made from canvas cloth with hanging lights... 

On the opposite side of the church from the Nativity-side is the Passion facade (#4).  Stark and modern it's full of the images of the Stations of the Cross.  It's riveting and totally the opposite of the hopeful Nativity facade...  The side left to be built is the Resurrection facade and that's going to have it's own set of problems.  Since they started building the Cathedral, apartments have sprung up in the footprint of the construction site!  These will have to be removed, but the people who inhabit them, some for decades, are not in a hurry to move!  When people have a task that takes a long time or seems to not have an end, they refer to it as "building the Sagrada Familia."

Greenbelt tonight for our first summer happy hour...  dress warmly, it's summer.  5:30pm

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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