More Or Less Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

No trip to Hawaii is complete without a pilgrimage to Town. And if you're in Town you've got to pay your respects to the Duke (#1).  Thanks for everything!  Aloha!

Clear morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was devoid of yesterday's bump.  The air temperature was 62.2 and the water was 68.9.  High tide gave us a push at 8:24am +4.3' and low tide will be at 1:24pm +2.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 4.3' and it was 4' to 5' and maybe fatter on the odd outside.  Good, very good...

At the Hawaiian Surfboard Factory, we were perusing the racks (#2) when this guy comes up and asks if he can help us.  We say we're just looking but the Professor stopped for a minute and said, "Dude, you look so familiar?"  He said likewise and he introduced himself as "Vercelli".  It was Marc Vercelli, who had been a Hermosa standout in the 80's and learned how to shape from Hap Jacobs and was good friends with José Barahona, when José was still airbrushing.  They talked story for about an hour and he gave Miloe and the Professor a tour of the entire Hawaiian Surfboard Factory operation.  Quite impressive!

List of things you might be too old to do now:
        Play hockey
        Ski Jumping
        Ride a Carve Board...
With that in mind the Professor decided, after much soul searching that he should sell his board (#3 & #4) to a deserving youngster.  Artwork is a mashup of Rick Griffin and the Professor...  Interested?  Let us know!

No word on Happy Hour spot yet...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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