Somali Pirates On Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our first pirate this morning is Lone Star, taking his groceries up to his digs in the St. Francis (#1).  This is an excellent example of South Bay couture.  T-shirt, shorts, Dodger hat in Laker colors, flip-flops and a very stylish camel hair jacket...

Clear with 10 miles visibility this morning and offshore winds at a light 2.7kts.  The air was a very Fallish 55.9 and the water is holding at 68 to 70.  Low tide was at 6:33am +2.4' and high tide followed at 12:58pm +5.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200º with a 2.6' swell.  It was about 2' and mostly disappointing.  Here's hoping that it will get better for the Hotdogger Contest this Saturday at the Hermosa Pier.  We're betting on Christian and Morgan to make us proud...

The photo we don't have from this sequence (#2) is when the Strand sweeper was right on the heels of our own pirates the Professor and Jetski as they consulted on the proper blocking of this shot.  The sweepers don't even use a horn, they just rely on the air blasting out from the brushes to scare the shit out of you...   which they immediately sweep up...

We'll be hieing off in the morning for Saratoga, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Seattle and the aptly named Sequim, (pronounced "squim") Washington.  We shall report on the salient aspects of our recon and trust you'll be somewhat amused, bemused or abused...  If it's any consolation, we're feeling a bit Sequim-ish about the whole thing...  Mostly because the next happy hour is scheduled for the 18th.  Feel free to entertain happiness as you see fit...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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