Meromorphic Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur new friends with the International Surf Therapy Organization made the cover of the Easy Reader this week (#1)! There's a good write-up on the organization and some of the difficulties the original organizers had to go through to establish their therapy groups. Needless to say we're glad they persisted! C lear skies this morning and 15 miles visibility. Winds were strong offshore by 7.5kts and the sea surface was smooth, but the wind chill was bracing. The posted air temperature was 48 (without the wind factor) and the water was 63.9. High tide was at 7:37am +6.8' and low tide was at 3:13pm -1.1'. There's a WSW swell out of 260º at 2.6', but they must've forgotten to tell Hermosa, because it was 3' to 5' with some pretty fat outsiders... Swell is supposed to build during the week and an unstable air-mass is headed our way T ucker O'Shia behind the curtain (#2) in what looks like a corner at Topaz. He manages...