Thirsty Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink...  You'd think that after all we know about water management, most of the fresh water on the planet would be safe to drink.  Nay, nay...  At Hume Lake (#1) you probably wouldn't want to drink the water, considering all of the water activities there.  A pretty little lake, but certainly not potable...

Great expectations after yesterday afternoon's brilliant conditions, including waves, offshore winds and clear skies.  We weren't disappointed for the most part.  Most spots had partly cloudy skies and 10 miles visibility.  Winds remained offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air seemed a bit chilly at 51.9 and the water was 63.7.  High tide was at 5:20am +5.0' and low tide followed at 11:16am +1.8'.  There's a west swell out of 265º at 5.6' and it was a consistent 4' to 7' at both secret and popular spots...

Giardia, is a genus of anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasites of the phylum metamonada that colonize and reproduce in the small intestines of many vertebrates including the ever popular Homo Sapiens.  Introduced into the wild through grazing animals shitting into the water supply it's even infected the waters of the Kings River (#2) at relatively high altitudes.  Not fun if you've ever had a case...

The little bay at Pililaau (#3) is clear and sparkling, but because of the heat and evaporation it is saltier than a lot of other spots on Oahu.  Good for floating and the reef has some nice rolling surf on the right swell.  Usually not to crowded because it's within an army base, but if you make a reservation at the restaurant you can get a pass...

Then we have inside Hermosa (#4).  We have ingested our share of water at this spot.  Not a lot all at once, but certainly copious amounts over time.  Salty, with hints of seaweed, sand dollars and sardines.  If you just rinse your hair after you surf and not wash it with soap, it creates amazing body and style-ability...  We'll be selling it at the next Fiesta...

You know we're going to Laurel Tavern this week and next week is Thanksgiving, so be thankful that you have someplace entertaining to go this Friday.  Not that Aunt Mary isn't entertaining, mind you.  Or Uncle Walter... here pull his finger...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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