
Showing posts from April, 2020

Will Wuhan Ever Be The Same Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G hastly crumb foggies this morning (#1) with a couple of miles visibility.  Winds are out of the south by 3.2kts and the sea surface was slightly rippled.  The air temperature was 62.3 and the water is 64.2.  Low tide was at 9:24am +0.2' and high tide will be at 5:50pm +3.2' for your luminescent pleasure.  Last night we strolled down to take a look and there must have been 40 folks at Torrance Beach watching the waves light up the beach.  We have a south swell out of 176º at 2.6' and it was 2' at your locally closed beaches... S ince the contagion has quieted things down, there has been a proliferation of wildlife.  Like this morning on the east side of the Mar y Fuego Estate, where this pair of mallards (#2) were waddling among the ferns. K ind of puts you off ham & cheese (#3).  Easy to say "cheesy" or call him a "hamola," but they're telling us that with a shot of Lysol™ things go down really smooth.  Tomato ties are...

Kim Is NOT Hiding In The Tiki Bar Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... K im Jong Un (#1), is not hiding in the Tiki Bar.  "KJ" as we like to call him, came in for a drink, maintained proper social distancing and left...  We have suggested that rumors of his demise are premature and certainly in poor taste...  He knows he's in the "at risk" demographic.  He smokes, he's overweight, he's borderline diabetic and according to legend, doesn't take or give a shit...  M eanwhile, this view (#2) of California St., Ventura, includes at least 30 surfers eager to disport themselves in the Pacific.  Fairly crowded for a Tuesday morning, we're still hoping they ease the restrictions on our own beaches.  In Hermosa, we had partly cloudy, hazy skies and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the SE by 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 61 and the water is 63.0, which goes to show what a few days of sun will do.  It's also created a bit of a red tide bloom and you'...

It's All Fun & Games Until It Isn't Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A beautiful spring morning (#1) with winds from the east by 3kts and the sea surface was smooth for a bit.  The air temp was 60.0 and the water is 59.4.  High tide was at 10:27am +4.0' and low tide will follow at 3:55pm +1.2'.  There's a 3.0' swell out of the WSW (240º) and it was a quite surfable 2' to 3' and all of a sudden, it's like, "Wow, we'd sure like to get out there and disport ourselves among the breakers."  Here's hoping we'll get back in the water sooner than later...  Patience, patience, patience... W hile biking back to the Mar y Fuego estate, we saw a plume of white and then a California Gray Whale (#2) having some fun close to shore.  They often come in close and rub against the sand to get rid of some of the barnacles that have attached themselves to their skin.  This one was solo without a calf, so we imagined it might be a solitary male... K ira (#3) has been playing on Thursday evenings at 6pm....

Button Down The Township Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L et's start our by wishing LoLa a happy birthday!  The brains behind the entire Paine family madness, she is famous for her early morning runs, long bike rides and adventurous spirit...  If it weren't for her we might not have ever left the couch...  (#1  LoLa and the Professor in their very stylish masks...) T he swell is finally picking up and on this fine spring day we have 10 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies.  Winds were light out of the SSW by 2.1kts and the sea surface had a bit of bump to it.  The air was 56.5 and the water dropped a couple of degrees to 58.5.  High tide was at 9:18am +4.4' and low tide will be at 3:11pm +0.9'.  We have a SW swell out of 223º at 4.3' and it's not quite good at 2' and rather ragged... B est hair in rock 'n roll, Kira "Bones" Lingman (#3), front woman for the "Hollow Legs."  She'll be doing a live video cast this Thursday for all of her fans... T hen we have t...

Buckle In The Bible Belt Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ooking a tad bumped this morning (#1) with cloudy skies, giving way to mostly sun.  Winds were onshore by 5.4kts and visibility was about 10 miles.  The air was 57.8 and the water is still holding at 60.3.  High tide was at 8:46am +4.5' and low tide was at 2:50pm +0.4'.  We are enjoying (albeit vicariously) a SSW swell out of 198º at 3.0' and that marvelous swell turns into 2' sloppy mushburgers... I n case you didn't take time to read the small print (#2) this isn't really as good a deal as you might have thought... S ome people aren't handling the quarantine as well as others.  The Professor (#3) and Boomfwappa were having a contest to see who had the most outrageous morning coif.  The Professor won with this Einstein, Larry Fine, Marty Allen hairdo.  Wear this and a mask to Trader Joe's and they let you right in... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

This Is Not A Fatwa, It's A Pandemic Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W alk up Jameson window (#1)...  or "Wake Up Jameson Widow" if you're reading this when you're just waking up...  Or going to sleep...  Or if you're Mrs. Jameson and your husband died and you fell asleep...  Whatever... #2 "Closed," "Closed," yes, everything is closed...  Geez, this is getting old... C loudy today with 10 miles visibility.  Wind is light out of the south by 3kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temp is 55.2 and the water is 60.6.  It's a high tide at 6:41am +4.4' and low tide follows at 1:25pm +0.0'.  It's a SSW swell out of 201º at 2.6' and it's 1' and poor at our local spots... " S herman, set the WayBack™ to 1988."  You do that and suddenly (#3) there's Jenny, Denny and Katie Hengen, the Professor, Julia and John and Tina Trudnowski.  You know that this team of then Juniors won every contest, except for the stop-dance contest in which Julia moved on purp...

World Health Organization Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e didn't get a report out yesterday because there was nothing to report... G iven the times, a great take (#1) on the Van Hammersveld "Endless Summer" poster... A beautiful spring day here in the Southland, with 20+ miles visibility and not a cloud in the sky.  Winds were out of the NE by 3.0kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temperature was 57.7 and the water is 60.4.  Low tide was at 11:50am +0.0' and high tide will be at 7:05pm +3.9'.  There's a SSW swell out of 199º at 2.3' and it's 1' to 2' and small and disorganized... S ince the Corona Virus is sweeping through Palos Verdes peacocks (#2) have been flocking out of their typical habitat and invading the Riviera. B oomfwappa discovered that there are some collateral costs in moving to Colorado from California.  For one you have to arm your doggie (#3) against all of the much larger predators that roam the veld.  Coyotes, owls, birds of prey and alien hunter...

What Could Be Worse Than A Friday The Thirteenth Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's the Ides of April and it's a Monday and we all know how famously awkward Monday's are even under the best of circumstances and we're not able to go in the water or walk on the beach and going in to the 5th week of this pandemic, sequestration, we're not quite as sanguine about the entire situation and well... shit... P hoto #1, suggests that the surf is 1' to 2' and a bit bumpy.  Visibility extends well beyond the end of the pier and it's a bit cloudy.  Winds are out of the NE by 3.2kts.  The air temperature is 57.5 and the water is 60.1, which would be nice if we could dibble our toes in it.  Low tide is at 9:11am -0.1' and high tide will be at 4:41pm +3.2'.  There's a WSW swell out of 240º at 2.6' and it looks like if the swell moves a tad further north, we might see some increase in the wave activity.  We would emphasize that all of this is academic... W e took a bike ride on Saturday morning and paused for ...

Another Good Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ood Friday and a time for reflection and maybe a little introspection...  Not too much, a little...  Like last year at this time we were certainly not aware of social distancing(#1.)  We have the Professor, Kawika Ching and Jetski mugging for the camera outside of Brother's. R aining this morning at checkout.  Less than 3 miles visibility, with winds out of the northeast by 8kts.  The sea surface is glassy.  The air temp was 54.7 and the water is 58.8.  Low tide is scraping the barrel at 5:49am -0.8' and high tide follows at 12:03pm +4.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 208º at 3.3' and it's 1' to flat at your local shoreline.  The good news is that it's as clear as we've seen it in a long time.  The bad news is that you can't get in it... T wo years ago (#2) we were having a wind event and things were pretty wild at the local breaks.  Looking back, we were actually having a pretty good spring, despite a few win...

Humors & Vapors Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his (#1) puts a little different spin on the entire notion of being a vegan...  Don't plants have feelings too?  Like, why sing to them or play music to help them grow? T he Small Businessman Always Gets It In The Ass Dept.:  #2  No doubt that this will put many hydro-colonic practitioners out of business.  Although the thought of circulating ten gallons of water through your tortured system has never seemed like a good idea to us in the first place... R ain this morning with offshore winds at 11.0kts.  Outside it was a chilly 49.5 and the water is 59.9.  High tide is at 11:07am +4.6' and low tide follows at 4:48pm +0.5'.  The sea surface is smooth and we have an oblique SSW swell out of 202º at 3.9'.  Not working for the 'Mosa and we've got 1' to almost 2'... W isdom from the hood #3. O kay Vincent (#4) what ever made cutting off your ear seem like a good idea?  Was she worth it?  We do have a work around t...

Which Way The Wind Blows Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n these unpredictable and uncertain times, bands of roving clowns are just another thing we have to worry about (#1)...  We've recently discovered that there are some people who actually believe that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse.  But we're here to offer some hope...  There is NOT going to be a zombie apocalypse.  And mobs of clowns?  A little piano wire and gloves...  Voila!  S tormy weather continues to swirl around us, with variable winds and cloudy skies (see #4.)  Cold and damp at 50.1 and the water temperature is 59.0.  High tide is at 10:16am +5.3' and low tide will be at 4:11 (which just happens to be the average height of all of our mother's relatives) 0.0'.  There's a SSW swell out of 192º at 3.3' and it's running into Catalina leaving us with about 2' of not so good surf... #2.  W e have a bunch of these...  They're not masks yet, but they're really close...  They even have th...

Calm BETWEEN The Storms Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W ith everything being a bit out of whack right now, it was somehow comforting to see the field of daisies (#1) under the Edison lines springing up just like always.  Okay...  Back to your corner... (#2)  T his goes along with the band of hardened criminals who stole the Viagra™... WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL DOING A SURF REPORT WHEN WE CAN'T GO TO THE FUCKING BEACH AND IT'S BEEN FUCKING LOUSY ANYWAY AND...   Okay...  (breathe...)  Partly cloudy and fabulous visibility.  Winds are offshore but the sea surface is still a bit morning sick.  Air 54.2 and water 60.3.  High tide at 9:26am +5.6' and low tide at 3:36pm -0.5'.  On this full-moon Tuesday we have a west swell out of 251º at 3.3' and it's 2' and ragged with rain predicted on and off throughout the afternoon... G lad these come in white as well (#3) and we have no problem drinking gin out of a wine glass... W hen the creative get quarantined, the creative go campi...

A Medical Science Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ome people know how to celebrate a birthday.  Here (#1) we have Jetski taking a lap around the south forty while visiting Larry "the Dairy" Vanderwey.  By all accounts he had a fine day herding cattle and mending fence... R aining like crazy at the moment and visibility is down to about a quarter of a mile.  Things are looking pretty gray and bumped at the pier (#2) with onshore winds at 12kts.  The air temperature is 55.4 and the water is 60.1.  High tide is at 8:37am +5.7' and low tide is at 3:02pm -0.7'.  There's a building SW swell out of 230º at 5.9' and it's 2' to 3' and pretty disorganized... F or some people the celebration just keeps rolling.  We asked Bacalao what he said to this fetching young lady in #3 and he said, "Kiss me!"  Celebrating with two of his favorite peeps (#4), it's Kira Bones and Jah Morgan!  Kira's been hitting the airwaves lately with her new single "Bye Bye Love" and...