Putting Your Mask Where Your Mouth Is Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Another one of our own personal health care professionals, front and center we have Kathy Welch (#1), slugging it out with the Corona demons in her mask, face shield and scrubs.  What you usually don't realize is that you're supposed to change all of this stuff every time you see a new patient!  Time consuming and tiring...  Thanks for all the hard work!

Time and booze are relative... (#2)

#3  Of course if Tim Kelly does it, Dewey wants to do it as well...

A little morning sickness on the water (#4), with hazy, cloudy skies and almost 10 miles visibility.  Winds are off by 3kts.  The air temp is 57.8 and the water is creeping back up at 59.2.  High tide is early at 4:39am +4.5' and low tide follows at 12:27pm -0.1' and even though it's a minus tide all the clams are safe in their beds.  There's a SSW swell out of 197º at 3.9' and it's not making the turn, so we've got 1' to 2' sloppy surf...

(#5)  THIS IS THE DUDE...  Pay attention!  We did, however, note that this did not mention that the Dude is fortifying himself with White Russians to maintain his calcium levels...  Be The Dude! 
(Thanks to Jane "Mermaid" Miho)

We'll be trying another Zoom Happy Hour tomorrow!  We'll message you the codes and ID tomorrow...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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