No, We Can't Draw An Octopus Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"Of course we can draw an octopus!" said the Professor when asked to adorn the bow of the recently repaired boat belonging to Chris "Sancho" Urchita.  But when push came to shove or brush came to hull, it turns out the Professor couldn't draw an octopus worth a damn.  So back to the drawing board (or table in this case) (#1) and some careful study of the creature in question...

If you caught it early this morning you were fine, but if you waited too long, the jig was up.  The offshore winds turned at 9am and immediately started to blow at 7 to 10kts and the sea became a rather bumpy mess.  If you were like Doc ?, Christiano and the Professor, you were right in the middle of it.  The air was 55.5º and the water is 57.7º and fortunately it was sunny!  High tide was at 5:16am +5.3' and low tide will be at 12:41pm -0.8' for a week of pm minus tides.  We have a bumpy WSW swell out of 257º at 3.6' and that translated to 4' to 5' and despite the wind there were an occasional smooth face to work your magic...

Turning the tables, the Professor was getting closer (#2) and finally managed to get some color on the boat (#3).  Depending on how this works out we'll share the location of the vessel in question so you can take a look...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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