Anti-Freeze Crazed Marmots Eat Tuesday's Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A little Rick Griffin (#1) always makes the day a little brighter.  Even if it's in black and white...

Too bad we don't have smell-o-vision so you could smell the rather acrid smell of the surf this morning (#2).  It could be from the oil seepage, or the algae bloom, or Doc Scale's theory that it has to do with salt water intrusion, but it smelled pretty bad and there was a lot of ambient foam.  Winds started out offshore by 3.4kts and turned about 9am.  The sea surface had a lazy roll to it.  The air temperature was 50º and the water was back to 59.0º.High tide was at 10:24am +4.6' and low tide will be at 3:50pm +0.8'.  We have a west swell out of 278º at 3.9' and it was 4' to 5' with some pitching peaks that rolled into some deep inside holes...  Like high tide...

A year ago today (#3) we were spending the evening in Puerto Escondido and wondering how to get in without "handing the honk."  Couldn't figure it out so we went back to the Split Coconut and danced until midnight and they let us in without handing or honking...

Redondo Vs El Segundo on Friday at El Porto.  If you happen to find yourself there drop by and say hello to the Professor and Coach Avery...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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