Another Memorial Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

#1.)  Here we have a little right caroming of the jetty just to the west of South Beach and to the south of Crescent City Harbor.  If it had been another foot bigger this might have been the spot.  Speaking of Crescent City Harbor, you might recall that they really received the brunt of the tsunami on the west coast, from the Fukushima earthquake in Japan.  Things got washed up beyond the highway (Highway 1) and people didn't cart them all away.  They just painted some of them and used them for signs...

Overcast and not warm today.  Winds were fluky and the sea surface was textured and gray.  The air temperature was 60.0º and the water is 62.6º.Low tide was at 8:44am -0.5' and high tide will be at 4:01pm +3.9'.  A little tide would've helped this morning for sure with a SSW swell out of 198º at 3.0'.  A bit crashy, but there were a couple if you could grab them early...

Ah, here (#2) we have the Professor showing off one of Greg Noll's hand shaped old growth redwood creations.  Actually it's mostly redwood, but some of the stringers are cuts of various other woods.  This one belongs to Charlie Arce and he had us over to dinner one night and we feasted on local greens, chicken and Spanish wine, because Charlie's family is from Spain...  Charlie worked with a number of surfboard manufacturers over the years and he and Greg have become friends since they both moved up north.

Here's the crew outside enjoying some port (attesting to the Professor's Portuguese heritage) and watching the sun go down over the Smith River.  Charlie's place is on the east bank of the river and not far from the estuary that leads to the ocean.  The Smith is one of several rivers in NorCal that is totally wild and has never been dammed.  (From L. to R.:  Mr. Christian, the Professor, Charlie and Jah Morgan.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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