
Showing posts from September, 2021

Wangle Or Waggle Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Z acky (#1) was making it look good for longboards this morning as he kept coming out of the office on the nose and stylin' all the way to the sand... T hen there was spectacular sunrise over Brother's Burritos (#2) as we finally got a sunny morning to crow over.  10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 2 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 59.1º and the water dropped a couple to 64.0º.  Wacky tides with a high at 7:58am +3.7' and a quick low at 10:34am +3.6'.  We have a SW swell out of 225º at 3.9' and it was a pretty 3' to 4', but not exactly easy... B urnsy, sent this (#3) great art shot of the tidal pools somewhere in Maine.  All will be revealed (won't it Burnsy?) B oomfwappa and Christine Hammer Jones (#4) showing off their monitors.  We're not quite sure what they're monitoring (Their hearts?  Their thoughts?  Each other?) but we're glad they're taking care of it... ✠ "When ...

Tracksuit Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P ostcard from Southern California (#1).  We used to have summers like this... S alvador (#2) is telling us that the surf was looking better today than it has all week.  10miles visibility under partly cloudy skies and winds wee from the SSW by 2 to 3kts.  The air temperature was 59.1º and the water is 67.1º.  One high tide today at 2:18pm +4.4' and that was enough.  There's a SSW swell out of 195º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' and there were a few corners, though not exactly peaky...  Hoping it's better mañana... K ris Hall (#3) taking a look this morning.  He was using a mid-sized stick instead of his usual longboard...    ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Circling The Drain Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A ll the ducks in a row as the Redondo Team waits for another wall to  come through.  Visibility was less than 10 miles and the overcast was really cloud cover and there was some detectable (not delectable) drizzle.  Winds were light out of the WNW and the surface was lightly textured.  The air temperature was 61.2º and the water is holding around 67.6º.  Basically one high tide today at 1:02pm +4.6' and it's low at 9:46 o'dark-thirty +1.4'.  We have a SW swell out of 231º at 3.0' and it was just slamming straight in with no real corners to be had... S hane, our yakky boy, broke his (board's) nose over his noggin yesterday, but of course didn't notice it until this morning.  So he ditched his board and went bodysurfing .  Yes, bodysurfing.  Do you know how warm it WASN'T this morning?  Since he never stays still long enough to get a pic of him or his board, we took this advantage to show you his artwork.  Not s...

Jeepers-Creepers Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ray skies this morning and Aaron beat us out into the lineup.  Here (#1) he's taking off on an almost right.  7 miles visibility and calm winds.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 61.2º and the water is 65.8º.  High tide was at 11:27am +5.3' and low tide followed at 6:10pm +1.0'.  Tides flip this next week and were headed for some oddball tides starting on Sunday when the there's basically one tide during the day.  We have a WSW swell out of 243º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' and barely a corner to be found... D id Burnsy just walk through a spider's web?  (#2)  Is she playing peek-a-boo?  Or was she just too shy to get her picture taken for the contacts page?  She'll be in New England for some R'n'R and we're hoping she sends us some pics of the fall colors! N ever a shy one, Mike Hynson (#3) is shown here admiring the hood ornament on Duke Kahanamoku's whip.  Given the narrow streets in old H...

Vanity Press Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T his (#1) is a Smurf.  This is Jah Smurf.  They sleep in swings high in tree houses above the jungle floor.  They can become quite agitated when awakened, so we let her snooze... W indy this morning from the start with gusts from 5 to 7kts.  The sea surface was ragged.  The air temp was 59.9º and the water is 67.1º.  High tide was at 11:08am +5.4' and low tide follows at 5:28pm +0.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 254º at 3.9' and it was 3' to 5' and crunchy and windblown.  Here's hoping the wind takes a break mañana... B rendan Simmons and Paul Roustan (#2) were a couple of celebrities that dropped by the wrap party.  Brendan has been making artisan pizzas that are out of this world and it is rumored that he is working on pasta! C hris and Burnsy (#3) made an appearance.  Burnsy, has been one of the faithful at the Office for the last month.  She's headed back to Maine for the fall foliage and to visit the rela...

Wild-Eyed Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he Producer and the Director, Jah Morgan and Soraya Simi (#1).  They shot four commercials in four days and now they're headed into post production... S tarted out slabby and no corners and the tide bought it up to some semblance of form.  The wind was out of the WNW by 2 to 4kts and the sea surface was textured.  The air temperature was 62.9º and the water is 68.7º.  High tide was at 10:40am +5.4' and low tide will be at 4:51pm +0.8'.  It's a west swell out of 264º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 5' and before the wind knocked it down there were some waves that almost had corners on them... T alent?  Did you say talent?  Yep, we got gobs of that with Doc ? and the Professor (#'s 2 & 3) in the roles of corporate lemonade moguls.  We'll let you know when the ad hits the streets (or the internet.) T his (#4) is where we get most of our iron-clad medical advice.  Our cousin's friend used to be in Italy, but had to move to T...

Monday Through Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ermosa Men's Choir and Singing Athletes.  (#1)  Tom, Bill the Swimmer, Doc ?, Tarsan, Ronnie the Diner and Cousin Timmy.  Holding down the fort on the Brother's Patio... S unny days Monday and Tuesday, with offshore winds and smooth surface conditions.  The air temperature was 61.2º and the water is a summer-like 68.9º.  High tide is at 10:16am +5.4' and low tide will be at 4:15pm +0.9'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 3.3' focusing right on the Hermosa pier.  So it's not 3' but it's 4' to 8' and slamming into the sandbars with uncommon power.  Only a few hearty souls gave it a go and paid the price.  Now yesterday, there were at least some corners and Steve O'Brien and Tarsan were on fire!  Tarsan got a right that had the indigenous Hermosans jumping up and down cheering on the beach and Steve got shacked on two in row that could have been on the cover of Surfer Magazine... O ur favorite bartender, Christian...

Phoenician Phriday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ot content to let the Matcha craze pass her by, Lana, with help from her sous chef Sulli, concocted these crazy good macaroons with matcha filling (#1).  On a scale from 1 to 10 they were a 10. On the other hand, there was some discussion about the blueberry scones.  They were moister than traditionally available scones, so the judges couldn't decide if they were too fresh or these scones were the way proper scones should taste.  Also the question of the fruit choice was advanced and the possibility of cherry and/or pistachio drew enthusiastic nods. S tarted out gray this morning and kept clearing all morning.  Winds were onshore at 2 to 4kts and the sea surface was textured.  The air temp was 61.5º and the water actually bumped to 68.2.  Low tide early at 5:13am +1.6' and high tide followed quickly at 11:27am +5.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 203º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' and good for paddling. T his (#2) is what happens wh...

Why Is Thalia Laughing Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T halia's ALWAYS laughing... I t was gray and visibility was down to under five miles.  Winds were light onshore and we tried to make it look better in photo #1, but that was about it.  The air temp was 61.2º and the water is hovering around 66.9º.  High tide was at 7:57am +4.3' and low tide follows at 12:44pm +2.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206º at 3.3' and it was 2' to 3' and a touch ragged... L ana and Sulli, (#2) joined us for breakfast this morning.  Not only are they good surfers, but they've got big brains as well.  When we asked Sulli what her GPA was she looked a bit dejected and said it was a 4.7.  "Why aren't you more impressed?" we asked.  "Well, Lana's got a 4.9!" W ho's got more shoes than Imelda Marcos?  Okay, let's rephrase that.  Who do you know personally, that has more shoes than Imelda?  If you said "Jetski" you'd be spot on.  These New Balance treads cost 6 times...

Wild Blue Yonder Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nother gray morning as we watched the Redondo High team run through their paces.  In #1 we have Dane Acosta (center) on this backside groveler waiting to snap the lip while Shane Murphy (in red on the right) bounces this little left on his way to shoot the pier which he did three times including once during a challenge heat.  Winds were onshore from 2 to 4kts and the sea surface was a tad sick.  The air temperature was 63.3º and the water wasn't bad at 66.7º.  More close tides with a high at 7:19am +3.9' and low at 11:33am +3.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200º at 3.9' and it was 2' to 3' and still a bit dumpy... W ith all this south swell in the water how do some other spots look?  So we checked the cams and discovered if you headed up to Malibu, it's looking pretty good (#2) with First Point firing.  You don't have to worry about being lonely, because it's got of plenty of wild-eyed valley chargers in the lineup.  Then t...

Technically It's Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S tarting out gray and clearing up we took this photo (#1) trying to make it look as good as possible.  Wind was from the ESE by 6.1kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 60.0º and the water is 66.9º.  Weird quick tides with a high at 6:15am +3.6' and low tide at 9:39am +3.1'.  We have a SW swell out of 225º at 4.9', but it's bouncing off PV and heading away from us and it was 2' to 3' in Hermosa and pretty crashy... Y es, what do you do to stop bad luck from ruining your team's big game?  Rebecca has decided that her brain waves were jinxing Ohio State, so she did the only thing a sane person would do.  She blocked them with this designer foil headdress (#2).  The bottom line is that it didn't work, BUT she was visited by aliens and they had a great time eating chips and dip and watching the game... H ere (#3) we have the Professor holding Rasta Pete's "No Exit" sign before he realized it said ...

No Exit / No Entrance Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S artre would have been proud at the sign (#1) Rasta Pete's been using to sell spaces in the dirt parking lot after hours and on holidays.  Naturally, there are questions.  Like, if there's no entrance how can you exit?  And if you can't leave, how can anyone get in?  Of course, Sartre would have said, "Hell is other people."  But there wasn't anyone around to ask...  There's supposed to be a valet... M eanwhile the surf was windblown, weak and gray (#2).  Poor visibility with a foggy 3 miles at best.  Winds were out of the NW 4 to 6kts and the sea surface was textured.  The air temp was 63.1º and the water is 67.1º.  Low tide was early at 5:41am +0.9' and high tide follows at 12:02pm +5.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207º at 2.6' and it was 1' to almost 2' in the surfline. P ond Pro (#3) when you need a professional to service your pond.  Did we know such a thing existed?  Quite frankly, no.  B...

Thousand Islands Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N o, it's not summer yet...  (#1)  And maybe it's May Gray, June Gloom, Fog of July and Fogust all rolled into one.  Less than a quarter mile visibility (couldn't see the end of the pier) and the sun didn't peek out until the afternoon.  Winds were onshore from 4 to 6kts and the sea surface was textured.  The air was a damp 64.1º and the water is 65.7º although it got almost to 70 in the middle of the day.  High tide was at 11:27am +5.5' and low tide follows at 5:39pm +0.8'.  There's a SSW swell out of 192º at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' and not inviting in the least... T he Boise Balloon Festival (#2) and over the course of the weekend there were almost 50 balloons bumping for airspace.  Photo Credit:  Raquel Cerqueira S peaking of bumping for airspace!  Julia had some pumpkins growing in her back yard and this one plant shot up a nearby tree branch and flowered about three feet above the ground (#3).  Now there'...

Sand Is The New Black Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F lying back from Idaho we caught this streak of color (#1) in the western sky.  No doubt the smoke from the fires have reddened it up a bit, but there's Venus twinkling up there, like the little lantern that it is... G ray this morning with 3 miles visibility and looking like Septembrrr.  Winds were out of the SW by 2kts and the sea surface has a slight bump.  The air temperature was 66.5º and the water is 66.9º.  High tide was at 10:57am +5.3' and low tide will be at 4:50pm +0.9'.  We have a SSW swell that's mostly passing us by out of 205º.  It's a 3'swell and it's about half of that in the break...  Always supposed to be better mañana... M orning crew at Brother's trying out the refinished picnic tables (#2).  Of course the tables and counters are finished in "sand" which is part of the new color palette for Brother's. A nd how about the new T-shirts?  (#'s 3 & 4)  Serving up two burritos, peace and a split...