Jeepers-Creepers Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Gray skies this morning and Aaron beat us out into the lineup.  Here (#1) he's taking off on an almost right.  7 miles visibility and calm winds.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 61.2º and the water is 65.8º.  High tide was at 11:27am +5.3' and low tide followed at 6:10pm +1.0'.  Tides flip this next week and were headed for some oddball tides starting on Sunday when the there's basically one tide during the day.  We have a WSW swell out of 243º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' and barely a corner to be found...

Did Burnsy just walk through a spider's web?  (#2)  Is she playing peek-a-boo?  Or was she just too shy to get her picture taken for the contacts page?  She'll be in New England for some R'n'R and we're hoping she sends us some pics of the fall colors!

Never a shy one, Mike Hynson (#3) is shown here admiring the hood ornament on Duke Kahanamoku's whip.  Given the narrow streets in old Honolulu, can you imagine the duke navigating his Lincoln through Kaimuki?

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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