Trainspotting Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Well, we're back and now we all have to deal with it.  Whatever it is.  But first here's what the water quality guy saw (#1) and how he dealt with it.  Understand that he NEVER got out of the truck.  He looked at the outfall, wrote an "F" in his book and peeled himself outta there...

Meanwhile, in Paterson New Jersey there are these falls (#2) that gave rise to the industrial revolution in this country.  Some of the early founding fathers realized the potential in this falling water and some of the first water powered mills and factories were located on these falls.  Does the name Alexander Hamilton ring a bell?

Winds out of the west this morning by 8to 10kts and the sea surface was choppy and uneven.  We'll cut right to the chase and the swell was from the west at 268º at 6.9' and it was 5' to 7' and great for mind surfing, but not so great for actually getting in the water and doing it.  One of the only exceptions was Sapphire that hosted close to a dozen hearty souls and they were booted, gloved and hooded to the max.  Santa made their day...

Accompanying us on our trip to the falls were the stellar Keeks, LoLa and Danger Girl (#3).  To their everlasting credit, not one attempted to launch themselves into the abyss, which we are told, is over 70 feet.

On a sortie into Nuevo York, we espied this window in Macy's (#4).  Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, but he is creepier than shit...

Finally, this morning Doc ? and the Professor found evidence of a screed written on the wind by unknown persons (#5) and improperly punctuated.  As near as they could tell, it suggested that the surf would be blown out and that they should wait and marshal their strength for another day.  See you in the morning if you have a mind to give it a check...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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