A Surfari Saturday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, we're back and we're still trying to adjust from the flight from Durban, South Africa to Los Angeles.  Hell, it was only a days ride, well actually 25 hours, but it was worth it...

We stayed at a great spot at the base of Table Mountain (#1) and LoLa, Suzi, Joey and Cat weren't happy until they climbed the difficult South Face.  For Pete's sake there's a CABLE CAR!  When the fog rolls over the table the locals say the "table cloth is on."

The surf in the south bay was looking great this morning at 3' to 4' with some bigger sets on the outside.  High tide was at 10:06am +4.1' and it peaked the lined up swell into some longboard friendly rollers.  Wind stayed relatively calm, but the red tide made a bit of a comeback and was marginally dirty...

Of all creatures South Africa is home to the African Penguin (#2 & #3).  Absolutely fearless the little guys run all over this headland and sometimes end up warming up under cars in the parking lot (#4).  We watched them cavort in the surf for a couple of hours and tend their nests on the beach.  They're also known as "Jackass Penguins" because they bray like donkeys...

So how far south were we?  The Professor is standing here on the corner of the Cape reading 34º 21' 25" which is as far south as we've ever been.  When you think about it it's almost the same latitude south as Redondo Beach is north (33º 84') so much of the vegetation was similar to southern California.  In fact did you know that Ice Plant came from South Africa?  But the weather is quite a bit wilder with the cold Atlantic coming together with the warm Indian Ocean.  We watched one afternoon as the wind gusted to 50kts and blew the white caps into aerosol waterspouts.  Really amazing!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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