We Won Wednesday (For The Time Being) Surf & Culture Report


Lost Boys & Co...

So in the late hours of Tuesday, the Hermosa City Council voted to rescind the 8am parking edict
and opt to maintain the current 10am parking enforcement time.  A half-hearted victory since the issue has to pass again before the council.  But we're a step ahead of where we were yesterday.  Now José can park his ride until 10 and we can enjoy brekky at a less than breakneck pace...  His ride sports all of the right stuff inside and the  board and paddle ride on top!  (#1)  We'll let  you know when the issue reaches the council again...

Winds out of the west this morning, lumping things up just enough to discourage most of the crew.  Tide was a minus at 8:30 and the surf was 3' to 5' and kept things interesting for those amped enough to get in he water...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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