Comin' Into L.A. From Over The Pole Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We're baaack!  Flying west from Europe you leave at 12:45pm and get into Los Angeles at 2:45pm.  Really did seem like a lot longer than a two hour flight... Did get a chance to see some bitchen' ice bergs off of some of the Greenland ice flows though.

7 miles visibility this morning under partly to mostly cloudy skies.  Winds were out of the south at 3 to 4kts and the sea was lightly textured.  The air temperature was 63.0º and although they have the water temperature at the pier at 68º we demurred and suggested it should be 65.5º.  We were somewhat encouraged to see the buoy had the temperature at 65.1º, in some agreement with our empirical findings.  High tide was at 9:22am +3.3' and low tide will be at 1:26pm +2.4'.  Swell is out of the SSW 202º at 3.0' and that was about it in the lineup.  Some fun ones...

Getting ready for the Olympics in Paris and we got to see the rings hauled up on the tower (#1) in case someone hadn't got the memo.  A lot of cities have structures associated with them, the Coliseum in Rome, The arch in St. Louis and the Statue of Liberty in New York, but none of them seem to be as iconic as the Eiffel Tower. 

In Montreux we had to get a pic of this sculpture (#2) on the edge of Lake Geneva.  You really got the feeling of schooling anchovies or sardines.  Trying to think of a good spot in the South Bay for something similar, but it really has to be right on the water to work best. 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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