The Winner & Still Champion Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Over the years we have been involved with more than a few snot bubble challenges.  Typically it involves laughing so hard that the involuntary expulsion of mucous is quite dramatic.  We would submit James Wheatley's "His beer was in a coozy…" as a prime example.  That year it was the Professor who won with a 2" spheroid that shocked the crew and left a carload of surf gladiators in awe and amazement. However, it is with no lack of pride that we introduce this year's winner, our very own great-granddaughter Rylee Anne Guth, who, in the midst of a cold, sneezed and blew this two and seven eights beauty eclipsing the record by almost an inch.  Congratulations to Rylee and her proud parents!

A bit of the foggies this morning with about a mile visibility.  High tide is at 9:27am 3.2' and low tide follows at 1:03pm 2.6', before rocking another high tide at 7:43pm6.1'.  Winds are out of the SW by 3kts and the sea surface has a bit of light texture. Not ruling out a bit of calming.  Water temp is 67.6 which doesn't even register for Wim Hoff.  It's a SSW swell out of 206 degrees at 3.9' but it's a bit oblique for Hermosa.  2' to 3' and it's summer!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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