Great White Steamship Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

There we were on the bounding main trying not to throw up our cinnamon-apple donut.  So we didn't get a chance to write a report, but instead of surfing we snorked on Catalina.  Truth be told, many interesting things were discovered on this trip including a bitchen pair of RayBansa screwdriver and an abalone shell perfect for display, all brought to the surface by Anupa.  We also discovered that Luau Larry's was out of hats, but NOT Wicky Wackers™.  Lina discovered she is NOT fond of sharks, Ed had a leak in his mustache and Burnsy forgot her wetsuit.  By acclimation, we have decided to spend the night on next year's trip. 

A beautiful fall day, despite the calendar telling us it's still summer.  Visibility was 10 miles, with few clouds and winds were calm.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air at checkout was 59.9º and the water is 66.0º at the buoy.  Probably 69 in the surf.  High tide 9:32am +5.5' and low tide 3:17pm +0.7'.  It's a SW swell out of 220º at 3.0' and it was 3' and a bit rolly until the tide closed it pretty much down...

(#1 A Wicky Wacker was NOT involved in this photo.)  Folks had a great time at the 70th birthday party for Tom Welch.  And actually the Professor was having a stellar time, that is until the sofa cushions opened up and swallowed him whole.  You can see that aid is not forthcoming and he had nearly disappeared when he was finally cherry-picked out of the abyss.  They were on the third floor and he estimated the crevasse went all the way down to sea level.  A martini helped calm his nerves...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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