Rain, Rain Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So yesterday, some atmospheric cell made it's way over Brothers and dropped almost an inch of rain in about an hour (#1).  Quite a few folks were stranded inside until the deluge subsided and we heard these guys having an argument.  It sounded something like this:

1. You're a knucklehead!
2. Well, you're shithead!
1. Oh yeah, you're a melon head.
2. You're an eraser head!
1. What?  Can we only insult each other using "head" references?
2. Well, I'm an egg head so I won't have any problem with a cement head like you!
1. Fish head!
2. Fog head!
1. Bone head!
2. Dick head!
1. Butt head!
2. Toe head!
1. That's not even an insult, lunk head!
2. It is if your head looks like a toe, dunder head!
1. Hot head!
2. Look at your ears, jug head!
Then Sara called out "Hedley, your order is ready."

The rain stopped this morning and we had some azure skies with some of those puffy clouds bumping along.  Winds were offshore by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was lightly tacked.  The air was a chilly 44.3º and the water dropped to 57.9º.  High tide was at 7:12am +6.1' and low tide will be at 2:36pm -1.1'.  It's a wind driven WSW swell out of 257º at 2.6'.  It was 1' to 2' on the sand with the tide pretty darned high at checkout.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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