Finally A Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, a beautiful spring day today!  17 miles visiblity and hazy sun.  Winds started off offshore by 3.5kts and the sea surface is rolly-smooth.  The air temp is 48.7°and the water is 54.9°.  Low tide is late morning at 11:19am +0.6' and high tide follows at 6:54pm +3.5'.  The buoy is reading a 3.6' swell out of 263° and the waves are in the 3' to 4' range.  Some good waves this morning at Knob Hill with Buffalo Kevin and Birdie.  Birdie was loosening up and getting ready for his summer assault on the waves.  He mentioned how good it is to get in the water and get some exercise, when sometimes you feel like just heading straight for the pancakes.  Kevin was riding his purple eleven-footer and he kinda looked like he should'a be wearing one of those captain's hats.  Got some good waves though!


I've gotten some questions from those on the LBS&CR who wanted to know what all the fuss was about on the blog.  As near as I can tell there's a case of mistaken identity.  Some kid was apparently hassled out of the water at Topaz on the 4th of April by some older guys and the kid believed that these guys were LB's.  Danger Boy and I surfed Knob on that day and pretty much surfed and bs'ed with each other like we always do.  There were no hassles - nothing.  This has all been quite a shock, to tell you the truth.  I have offered to meet with the "Concerned Parent" and get this straightened out.  Thank's for all the supporting comments, but I see no reason why this can't be cleared up quickly with a meeting.

Also I got some flack for "not responding quickly" on some of the comments.  I only post the Report to the blog indirectly from an e-mail that goes to the members.  I don't look at the blog every day and to tell you the truth, I didn't even know there were any comments until Sully called me and told me about them.  I use the blog just to archive the postings and as a convenient way to share the photos.  As many of you know this whole report thing started as a hard-copy newsletter that Mark Hall and I edited years ago.  When the internet got going, we thought that would be a cool way to communicate.

Finally, I've never pretended to be something I'm not.  I drive a pretty distinctive car and I guess it's a pretty easy target.  A lot of people commenting seem to know who I am.  Unfortunately, most of the people commenting have failed to identify themselves.  That makes it virtually impossible to have any sort of dialog or understanding.  So you all seem to have the advantage on me.  Since that's the case, why don't you just introduce yourselves and let's talk about this.  I'd like that better than the comments, notes on the car or the threats.  You obviously know where I am...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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