In The Throes Of Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

After a stellar day at Hermosa yesterday with Buck, we were greeted to a gray morning with stiff SW winds.  Actually, the photo makes it look pretty good.  Of course it took us 20 minutes to get that shot...

Five miles visibility this morning with heavy overcast skies.  Winds are from the WSW at 7.8kts tacking things up quite a bit.  The air temp is 52.3°and the water is nudging up a bit to 57.9°  Low tide is at 10:52am -0.2' and high tide will follow at 6:24pm +3.3'.  The swell is coming out of 280°and hitting the buoy at 3.0'.  The Avenues were 2' to 3' and Hermosa looked a little bigger with better shape.  The wind was taking things to task however, so we're hoping tomorrow pulls a little more offshore into the mix.

Notes from our readers - Grab a Barstool and Make Yourself Comfortable:

ahahah some dude just got a dui on one of those.....  Robert Stassi

A man has been charged with drink-driving - without even leaving the comfort of his bar stool.
Police in Newark, Ohio, said they found Kile Wygle with the remains of his motorised bar stool after it crashed at about 20mph (32km/h).
Mr Wygle, 28, suffered minor injuries in the crash and was charged after he told an officer at the hospital that he had consumed 15 beers.
The barstool had been made out of lawnmower parts.
Newark police Sergeant Barry Connell said some people have made a sport out of racing the modified bar stools which have tyres, a steering wheel and a small engine.
"There are hundreds of people racing these things, but they race on closed courses," he said.
Charge denied
However, Mr Wygle has denied he was intoxicated while riding the bar stool.
He told the NBC television affiliate in Columbus, Ohio, that he only started drinking after the crash.
"I drank quite a bit after [the crash] because my head hurt so bad. I went in and drank a half a bottle of whiskey," he said.
Mr Wygle says he has requested a jury trial.
(Always request a jury trial.  You have a really good chance of getting other barstool racers on the jury.  Also note the use of whiskey for medicinal purposes!  Ed.)

that bar stool's a great it right up to the bar and order... and you don't even have to worry about finding a seat, cuz you already have one!! or he should open a bar where ALL the seats are like that, and see how fast someone drunkenly zooms themselves into a wall.
maybe, on second thought, mixing bar stools with forms of transport aren't the best idea...but it sure is funny.  Gidget 
(They made fun of Robert Fulton too.  A lot of people have forgotten that he got the first DUI on a steamboat going the wrong way on the Erie Canal...  Oddly enough his first mate was a Mr. Wiggle!  Ed.)

Regarding the photo of Buck & the Professor:

Hmmm... Is that Dennis's / Mark's old red Kingfish in the rafters? Who owns it now?   Seawolf

(GOOD EYES!  Yes, that is Easky's/Mark's Kingfish in the rack at the Professor's.  The Professor swapped Easky for the orange 7'4" that he and Keithal bought on E-Bay.  It's awaiting repair since LoLa ran it over in the garage.  The Professor keeps imagining he's going to return to shorter sticks - we're thinking "No, not so much..."  Ed.)

Our second photo this morning shows a rather large yacht anchored on Hermosa Blvd. outside the drydock.  We thought it was clever of them to tie it up to the fence so it wouldn't float away.  It was there for 2 days so it must've worked pretty well.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."

 The Professor!!

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