Mogul Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

This study (Photo #1) in gray tones is exactly what you don't want to see.  This is the Edison Company (or whatever the hell they're calling it now) and the steam is being blown from west to east.  This means that the winds are onshore.  This does not bode well, as every surfista will tell you.  Actually, at the moment we snapped this shot, there was only a light onshore blowing (the stats will give you the approximate velocity!) but when that plume flattens out, get outta the water.

So on this gray Monday morning we have around 2 miles visibility and pretty heavy haze.  The aforementioned winds are 3.9kts out of the west and the sea surface is smooth, but getting ready to tack up.  The air temperature is a cool 63.3° and the water is a much warmer 69.1°, so just jump in and warm right up!  Low tide is at 7:36am +1.1' and high tide will be at 2:24pm +5.2'.  The buoy is reading a 3.6' swell out of 200°, which pretty much guarantees that PV will suck out all of that energy before it makes the turn.  We're calling it 1' to 2' and poor.  We did check out the Cove and it was about 3'.  There were also 5 guys out and they pretty much had it plugged since the waves came about every 5 minutes.

"When you drive into California from Las Vegas they have an agricultural inspection station where they ask if you have any fruits or vegetables with you.  And then they just believe whatever you tell them.  What's the point of that?  You know what I do?  On every trip I put a yam in the glove compartment, just to be sure I'm breaking the law."     George Carlin

Our second photo features one of the top ten garage sale purchases ever.  Yes, the Professor nabbed this fine tri-cornered hat for the sum total of ONE U.S. dollar!  What he didn't realize is that it also came with the pirate Cockney accent.  No kidding!  Everyone who puts it on suddenly starts talking like Capt. Bligh.  Aargh mateys...  the beatings will continue until moral improves...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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