Thunder Lizard Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You ought to go to the Redondo Farmer's Market more often.  This morning we ran into this young man gnawing his way through this ear of corn.  On closer inspection we recognized him as the red-hot junior Chris Stimpfl.  We were just lucky that the surf had gone down this morning and he decided to accompany mom and grandma to the farmer's market.  When he was asked if he would like to spend all 24 hours in the water he thought about it and then suggested maybe 20 hours, with about 4 hours to rest and get more corn.  Sounds like he's got the right attitude to us!

Ten miles visibility this morning under overcast skies.  Winds are out of the NNW by 3.9kts and the surface is pretty tacked up.  The air temp was 64.0° and the water was a fine 69.1°.  Still a lot of green algae bobbing around in the surf causing some really spectacular lime-green waves.  High tide was at 7:13am +3.1' and low tide was fast on it's heels at 10:28am +2.8'. The buoy is reading a 3.0' swell out of 225° and it's small at 1' to 2'.

Letters to the Editor:

Regarding "Thousand Oaks Thursday's" photo of the Professor:

At least it (the Professor's pirate hat) doesn't have the symbol of Islam like you baseball hat picture from last week!
Big daddy

(Ed. Note:  Hmm...  We had no idea that the fine people of South Carolina were Muslims.  The crescent moon and the palmetto have been the symbol of S.C. since we can remember.  Some say the crescent moon is really the tail of the "Swamp Fox,"  the legendary Revolutionary War hero.  Gamecock!)


In Door County, Wisconsin on vacation. Surf off Green Bay is small (6 inches). But the view is great, beer is cold, and having lots of brats. Hope all is well in South Bay.



(Ed. Note:  No worries!  The surf is small here as well!)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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