Thermomagnetic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

How often do we look to the barnyard for fashion direction?  Well, to tell you the truth, not very often.  Actually, almost never.  But on this occasion we couldn't help but notice that it appears that leg warmers are coming back into vogue.  These were wool and a bit covered with sawdust, but we're quick to spot a trend when it presents itself.  You saw it here first...

Under cloudless skies we have 25 miles visibility and a slight haze out on the horizontal.  Winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy.  In the surfline visibility is running 15 to 20ft. and you can see all of those sting rays flying around the bottom.  The air temp was 65.8° and the water is 69.1°.  Low tide was at 6:03am +3.0' and high tide will follow at 1:06pm +5.0'.  The #46221 buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 193° at 3.0'.  The surf was in the 2' to 3' range.  It's getting a little better shape as the tide rises, but don't wait too long!

The Professor went out at Hermosa this morning and got some clear little squirters.  The only problem was that the endings were a bit difficult.  He got rolled on a little right and forgot to grab the rail.  By the time it got through with him, it had bit his foot, whacked his knee and left this bump on his shin.  Can you imagine if he had been carrying a paddle like some of those stand-up people?  It probably would've been like being beaten with a rake...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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