Wide Screen Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our attached photo includes two of our favorite things to mix - electricity and water - NOT!

Twenty miles visibility this morning under clear but questionable skies.  Winds are out of the NW by 7.8kts and the sea surface has a definite tack to it, bordering on choppy.  The air temperature is 63.9° and the water is 67.5°.  High tide is at 8:14am +4.7' and low tide will be at 1:53pm +1.8'.  Buoy #46221 is reading a 3.3' swell out of the west at 250°.  We surfed Hermosa this morning and we're calling it 3'.  Some pretty thick waves on the high tide shore break.  Too bad the wind kicked in so damn early...

Our photo was from the big fountain in the center of the Music Center complex.  We headed down to the Mark Taper last night to see the musical "Parade."  We have to warn you - we're not big musical fans, so you might take this review with a generous grain of salt.  First of all, the premise of this production is that a Jewish sweat shop manager is accused of raping and killing a thirteen year old child laborer.   Remember, they're singing about all of this.   To add a bit of racial/ethnic tension this all takes place in Atlanta, Georgia and there is also a black suspect.  One of the big production numbers is when the main character is sentenced to be executed.  Proving that southerners, when given the chance, are equal opportunity haters and will sing about it.  You mull over this during the intermission.  In the second half we are lead to believe that his wife (with the full force of northern Jewry behind her) gets his sentence commuted from death to life in prison.  This warrants another jubilant ensemble number.  But southerners being persistent, wily and having lots of rope, steal into the labor camp where our hero(?) is ensconced and take justice into their own hands.  They have a necktie party and in the end the main character is left hanging around, literally.  Our main concern:  We left with nothing to whistle. 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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