Fat Tumor Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

No!  This is NOT the Professor's heart.  For one thing it's too large and for another it's pumping way too fast.  This is what is called a lipoma.  It was removed from the wall of his chest in a simple out patient procedure early this morning after he checked out the surf. 

Cloudy this morning with rain showers scattered across the playing field.  We can see the golden city of El Dorado across the bay so we're calling it 20 miles.  Winds are offshore by 3.7kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 64.2° and the water is 66.0°.  High tide is at 6:58am +4.7' and low tide will be at 12:26pm +2.1'.  The buoy is reading a 2.3' swell out of the west at 260° and we're calling it 2' and breaking right on shore.  The gutters are barely running but they're black sludge.  Caution is advised, but only if the surf comes up...

So, the Professor got this fatty tumor removed from his chest because he was starting to look like Corky Carroll's sister.  Initially, he thought he might get the procedure done in Mexico by a rogue Aztec cult that doesn't use anesthetic and cuts you open with chiseled obsidian implements.  As it happens, in their last three procedures they pulled beating hearts from their patients mauled chests.  Instead he went to Kaiser, where a very patient nurse practitioner loaded him up with lidocaine and relatively painlessly split him open and removed the rubbery mass.  We say "relatively" because apparently he wasn't quite as numb as he or she, had wished and when she started digging deep he jumped and grabbed his side.  This "contaminated the field" and necessitated the calling of  nurse "Igorina" to re-establish a sterile playing field.  Additional anesthetic did the trick and the rest of the procedure proceeded as proscribed, including the cauterization and barbecuing of several of the Professor's giblets as they fell into the chasm of the incision.  He is resting on the curb at Avenue A.

From Sea Wolf

I found this info about Dick Dale. Pretty cool stuff.

From Xena
Hey I might sound like a commercial, but I was given this website. You can buy dining certificates for a fraction of what their worth. It's for real and I'm not getting anything out of it. It's definintely worth checking out! Gotta love the slow economy for something!

I say we all meet up at Ortega 120! 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."

 The Professor!! 


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