Thackeray Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Today's shot is Wapama falls on the west side of Hetch-Hetchy Valley.  The falls is spectacular, but that blue sky is also pretty fantastic.  It was really that blue!

Gorgeous day today!  Visibility is 20 miles and there isn't a cloud in the sky.  Started out a bit foggy at the beach, but that burned off fairly quickly.  Winds are offshore by 5.6kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temp was 59.4° at the checkout and the water is 66.7°.  Low tide is at 5:02am +2.9' and high tide follows at 11:33am +5.5'.  Our favorite buoy is reading a SW swell out of 229° at 3.9' and we're calling the surf 3' to 5'.  Topaz and Torrance are breaking pretty hard, but some of the rockier places have some nice waves.  Check Rat, the Cove and Sapphire. 

Shannon & Devon Bogart
Saturday is Devon's Redondo High Girls Volleyball Pasta dinner fund raiser.  We would love for you to come!
It starts at 6:00 in the Redondo High Cafeteria. Let us know if you can come!

From:  Don Burt
Isn't there a move afoot to restore Hetch-Hetchy?  I thought, at one point, they were pretty close to taking the dam down and restoring the valley.

(Yes! It was a contentious situation from the start.  No one less than John Muir and the fledgling Sierra Club tried to stop the construction of the dam.  The problem is the dam now serves 2.4 million people in and around San Francisco and they tend to get thirsty and like to flush their shit down into the bay...  Ed.)

From:  Mike Ginther
Absolutely spectacular shot of Hetch-Hetchy!   I thought all those San Franciscans drank bottle water anyway. Let them drink wine. Lets sneak up there and pull the plug.
(Pulling the plug would be fun, but you'd have to run up those 17 flights of stairs back up to the top to keep from getting wet.  As we looked at the lake we wondered how long it would take to drain the whole thing.  We also wondered what would happen downstream if the dam broke.  There are a lot of folks who'd be scampering for their water wings!   Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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