Fudge Factor Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You're walking along minding your own business and you suddenly realize there are creatures staring at you from the rock wall.  If you gotta have a wall, then it might as well have a little pizazz!  There were various animals and scenes all along the wall and we were told that it went all the way around the property.  Even the chimney had a stony sunrise coming up over the roof...

Cloudy this morning with occasional showers and drizzlations.  5 miles visibility.  Winds are offshore by 5.2kts and the sea surface is smooth to glassy.  The air temp has warmed up considerably to 50.4° and the water is 59.4°, which is still warmer than the air.  High tide is at 5:10am +5.8' and low tide will follow at 12:15pm +0.3'.  We have a 4.6' swell out of 263° W.  The waves are having trouble getting through the current high tide, but it looks like if the tide drops we could get some sneakers at most breaks.  Check it out when you can...

Mail Bag...

Re:  Oldest Living Tree 

Oldest living tree - Bristle Cone Pine

The oldest living tree is a 10,000 year old tree in Sweden.
Don Burt

And here I thought it was the one next to Cal Stadium those tree sitters had been tring to protect . . .
Big Daddy

(We don't know why trees are on our minds, but continue...  Ed.)

Re:  Sympathies & Fallen Trees

Our thoughts and prayer go out to Gigi and family.
On a second note, I hope they put a new tree up quick! That house on Calle Mayor is quite an eyesore!
(Yes, thoughts and prayers to GiGi & Family and TJ & Family as well.  As far as the fallen tree goes, they did cut it down after it failed to right itself...  Ed.)

Re:  Historical Home

Did you not get a picture of the Historical Landmark marker?  Does it actually say "Boomfwappa" on it???
Big Daddy
(No mention of Boomfwappa.  We thought it was an "Hysterical" marker!   Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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