Wackaloon Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our first photo comes from the Boomfwappa archives:
"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas  decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever.Great stories. But two things made me take it down.
First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.
Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."

A nice sunny day before the second storm is supposed to hit.  20 miles visibility, with some heavy haze on the deck.  Winds are offshore by 5.2kts and the sea surface is smooth, verging on glassy.  The air temperature was a brisk 44.3° at checkout time and the water was 58.6°.  Low tide is at 10:01am +1.8' and high tide will be at 3:29pm +3.8'.  The buoy is reading a 5.2' swell out of 258° (WSW,) but it's hitting some places really hard and others are getting the leftovers. 

Our second picture, as an example, shows Flat Rock and the waves breaking in the middle of the Cove and at Indicator.  It looks pretty good size.  Likewise, El Porto and Hermosa, had some good size, but not much in the way of shape.  Topaz was smallish and things got bigger as you migrated toward Torrance Beach, but then Rat and Haggerty's didn't look like they were breaking that well.  We're thinking things are still a bit confused and there's a lot of the wind swell still left in the current conditions.  Tomorrow will be interesting.  Will it be big?  Will it rain?  Will it be really windy?  Stay tuned!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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