Further Up The Road Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A shot here of Andrew Steich (Geez, we hope we spelled that somewhere in the ballpark!) Andrew is a real charger and scarcely misses a day when the surf is firing. When we first noticed him, he had a red, white and blue board and the guys called him "Captain America." He flailed a little, but you could tell he was serious about honing his chops. These days, he's hanging with the best of them and over the last year he's really come around. The funny thing is, we always thought he was kind of a little guy. He rode a short board, so he floated really low in the water. Well, it turns out he's actually pretty good size, knows how to handle himself and jumps out of airplanes for kicks! He writes for a living and we're hoping he gets famous, so we can say we knew him when... P artly cloudy skies this morning and 15 miles visibility. Winds are offshore by 7.8kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temp at ch...