Theoretical Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

From Lethal Keithal
One more from Russia. Well,the photo's not, but the hat is!  Some poor red fox gave it up so some young girl back in the South Bay could make it through the winter.
What a Fox X2 !

Once again, a beautiful day in the South Bay with 25 miles visibility and nary a cloud in the sky.  Winds were offshore this morning at 5.2kts and the sea surface had a pronounced bump from the winds yesterday.  It calmed as the morning progressed and ended up smooth before the onshores kicked up.  The air temp was 50.2° and the water was a cool 59.5°.  High tide was at 8:07am +6.0' and low tide follows at 3:19pm -0.8'.  The buoy is reading a 7.5' swell out of the WSW 262°.  We're calling it 5' to 7' with some bigger sets on the outside.

Good news over the next few days though.  No rain until Sunday night and the swell is supposed to hold at it's current height (or a tad smaller) over the next few days.  The only thing that seems to be jamming perfectly good conditions is the tide.  It's high right in the middle of the morning and the swell just doesn't seem to be able to crack it along the beaches.  The points and the Cove seem to fair a bit better, but the high tide still crabs it a bit.  The low tide is so low that things really get hectic on the insides and by then the wind is blowing and the surface gets a bit dicey.  But YOU can figure all of this out!  There is a window and YOU can sneak through it.  Just like that girl through the bathroom window in the Beatle's song.

Photo #2 is Bonnie Burt waiting for the Superbowl 10k to start.  Last year she got aced out of her usual spot on Topaz and Catalina and she swore it wouldn't happen a gain this year.  The Professor is shown here giving her moral support.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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