Free Enterprise Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Remember how yesterday we said that we'd just walk across the street from the Kremlin and go to Starbucks?  Well here is Lethal Keithal and it's still -22 f'n degrees.  Once again he had to warm up the camera with some hot vodka breath to make the damn thing work.  We had to stand in the street dodging Ladas, Volgas and Moskvitchs, not to mention Zils and a bunch of foreign high-end limos to get this picture...

Not quite as cold here in beautiful LA.  We have 20 miles visibility and a few high clouds bumping around the ether.  Winds are offshore by 3.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temp is 52.2° and the water is 59.0°.  Low tide is at 11:05am +0.7' and high tide will follow at 5:14pm +2.9'.  Today is the first day of some radical morning tides - super high in the early am and low around lunchtime.  Might make for some interesting conditions.  The buoy is currently showing a rising swell at 3.0' out of the west at 269°.  At the Cove it was shoulder high with friendly cast of about 15.  All the other breaks were trying, but not very successfully.  Tomorrow should be a bit bigger and open up some further opportunities!  We stared at Rat for a long time, but it wouldn't happen.

Our second shot this morning is the button.  Yes, if you press this button all kinds of interesting things happen.  If you're lucky and it's the right day you send up a telecom satellite.  If it's a bad day and you press this button, you vaporize Elko, Nevada.  We're not sure how you'd know...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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