Tuna of the Farm Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You always hear about "chicken of the sea," but never about "Tuna of the Farm."  So today we thought we'd remedy that situation...

By the way, today's photos have nothing to do with anything in particular...

Things seemed to get lighter earlier than usual this morning.  That might be because the sun came up to a cloudless sky and it liked what it saw.  Considering the light had already traveled 93 million miles, the sun was still happy to get another 20 miles visibility across the bay.  Winds kicked up early at 11.7kts out of the NW, making for a bumpy playing field.  The air temp at checkout was 50.2° and the water was 58.3°.  High tide was at 6:53am +5.4' and low tide will follow at 1:42pm -0.7'.  The buoy was reading a swell out of the WSW at 241° and calling it 3.9'.  That has since bumped to 4.3' and we're calling it 3' to 5'.  Some bouncy/fun waves at Sapphire with Birdie and the Professor catching a few interesting bumps before dissipating themselves in the direction of Brother's.


1987 Chrysler New Yorker?

(Don Burt's guess at mystery ship outside the breakwall...)
(No...  Ed.)  

Hey Prof,
It is not a Coast Guard buoy tender.  The Cutter George Cobb is the local cutter that throws the rocks (buoy anchors) home ported out of San Pedro.  She is a 175' "Keeper" class black hull workin' pig. 
DCC Corey P. Chiaramonte
USCGC Bertholf (WMSL-750)
Fire Marshal                                                                     
"Nobody puts baby in the corner, nobody!"  Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing
(Now we know what it's NOT!  Ed.)

While at Brother's this morning, Birdie and the Professor ran into shaper James Wheatley.  He was just fresh from an industry bowling tournament and had a great story about how he had hijacked the trophy a couple of years ago.  Volcom sponsors the surf industry event and they have tourneys in LA, Orange and San Diego counties.  The top ten teams come together and compete in the finals.  That year it was at the Gable House in Torrance and after all was said and done Huntington Surf and Sport were announced the champs.  As you can imagine, there was a great celebration and everyone was jumping up and down cheering the winners.  Wheatley, worked himself up through the throng and grabbed the trophy and starting jumping up and down with it.  He then worked himself through the room and finally out the door!  Now, he found himself outside with a 4' tall trophy and no where to put it.  He knew that the HSS guys would soon be on to him, so he had to think fast.  This wasn't easy, because his usually keen senses had been somewhat dulled by being over-served.  He saw a pickup truck nearby and jumped into the back and laid down with the trophy.  He could hear the HSS guys running around, looking for him and the trophy.  After what seemed like a long time, someone thought to look in the back of the truck.  Lucky for him the guys from HSS thought it was a pretty cool prank and didn't kill him...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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