Typhoon Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

As you might have noticed, it's blowing a gale out there this morning.  March continues to come in like the proverbial lion and it's not helping the fronds on the roof of the palapa one little bit.  Visibility, of course, is unlimited and there are a few clouds galloping across the firmament. With the winds gusting from 25kts to 30kts the sea surface is choppy with wind blown whitecaps.  The air is a chilly 48.4° and the sea temperature is 57.4°.  High tide is an early 4:48am +4.5' and low tide will be at 12:17pm +0.0'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 269° at 6.6'.  The waves are in the 6' to 8' range and are even more disorganized than yesterday.  Now, if we could just get this damned wind to stop...

We're getting close to the end of our Puerto Escondido photos.  This one shows the hook of the bay, from the point, back to the city proper.  It's probably three or four miles.  Tomorrow, we'll share one of our cultural excursions!

Finally, we have a shot of Michael McGarry and Suzanne Paine playing at Di Piazza's in the LBZ.  It was "open mic" night and the winner got a bar credit of $30!  Considering our bias in these matters, we thought they did a really good job for the first time playing in public together.  So you can imagine our surprise when they won the contest!  You can also imagine how far a $30 bar credit goes when you have invited half the house...  We figure winning cost them another hundred bucks.  We had no doubt Mike and Suzi would be famous, we just didn't think it would happen on the same night.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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