Farmer John Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Sometimes it's a bit easier to picture something when you get the whole gestalt.  Pictured, we have the playing field at Topaz, with the jetty on the right and the two closest peaks to the rocks.  We've always wondered why they didn't build a series of jetties between Topaz and Torrance Beach.  The would help stabilize the sand, provide an environment for numerous fish and other sea creatures and oh, yeah... they'd create some corners for new surf breaks!  Maybe we just need an environmental report on how such structures would impact the area (like scientifically.)  Oh yeah, and money...  So, how much could it cost?  It's just rocks...

Speaking of rocks, here's a photo of someone who rocks.  It's Andrew Staich (in case you didn't recognize him without his long hair!)  He's shown here with his new blade, sporting quite the dynamic deck graphics.  And why is all the hair gone?  He donated it to "Locks of Love."  Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. They meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses they provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.  Fortunately for Danger Boy and the Coach, they don't need gray hair...

A bit hazy this morning with 10 miles max visibility.  Winds were calm at checkout time, picking up to a current 5.3kts onshore.  The sea surface was smooth to a light tack.  The air temp was 55.6° and the water is 58.5°.  High tide is at 10:57am +3.6' and low tide will follow at 3:31pm +2.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 203° at 3.0'.  We're calling it 3' to 4' and fair to good.  Both Topaz and Hermosa looked good this morning, with the rising tide slowing things down a bit.  Tomorrow will probably be a bit smaller, but take a look and be open to any surprises!

We constantly get asked if there's going to be a happy hour on Friday evenings.  The simple answer is yes!  (There are a lot of them.)  The more complicated answer is that people have to decide on when and where to meet.  The Professor has repeatedly allowed that he is not the wagon master and will not be held responsible for picking a venue.  That being said, he stepped forward this morning and declared that he and LoLa will be heading to El Torito on the RB Pier this evening around 5:30pm.  If you have any questions don't call him (he famously never answers his cell phone.)  Just show up...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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